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Next step after preparing fragnet

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Rami Refaat
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Dear All


This is my first time time to work on EOT, but i have been guided through all your convesations in this forum and it was extremely helpful, i started and i reach this stage shown below and in P6 now i have these: 

1- fragnet linked to the latest approved baseline.

2-fragnet linked to the updated program for same time fragnet starts.

now whats the next step, how can i analys and compare, what if i have more than one fragnet, on what basis am i going to have an EOT, what i have to show to the client or consultant to convince them that i have the right for EOT.

if any one have a suggestion for a course or a book to have answers to my queries.

thanks in advance.



Mike Testro
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Hi Rami

My pleasure - it is always satisfying to put something back in the pot of wisdom and stir it a bit.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Rami Refaat
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Thank you very much Mike, that was very direct answer. 

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 7 weeks 21 hours ago. Offline
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Hi  Rami

You will only get an EoT if the end date extends beyond the contract completion date.

First compare the end dates of the two programmes to see the differences in the end dates before any event fragnet is impacted.

Has the updated programme exceeded the contract completion date? If yes then that would most likely be a contractor culpable delay.

Now impact the fragnet on the updated programme and see if any further delay is caused - if yes then you have a concurrent delay situation and the relevant rules apply.

Multiple fragnets are impacted in the chronological order of the date of impact.

This method is only for use on works in progress and not for forensic analysis.

You will learn more from my ebook Principles of Delay Analysis to download from @£25.00

Best regards

Mike Testro