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Proposal EOT still not approved

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dwi jaka prastya
User offline. Last seen 4 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear All,

I have difficulties in the process of having an Extension of Time , my project is an EPC contract project. I want to submit Extension of Time proposal with the reason of delayed work which the work permit is depend on the owner. The case is as follows:

1.       In the contract it is already stated that busbar in the new unit (my project) shall be connected with existing unit 150 Kv substation.

2.       Milestone date for synchron was 31 december 2011

3.       In the switchyard scope of work, the remaining works was only to connect busbar between the new unit and the existing unit. We already submit the works permit to start the work at 16 December 2011. At 22 december 2011 letter from owner state that the existing unit can not be shutdown, therefore the busbar connection was delayed. At 6 january 2012, we remind the owner about the busbar connection work, but there was no reply until march 2012. They replay that there was busbar nodification.

4.       The actual synchron date is 23 March 2012

5.       This mean that the busbar connection work was delayed, therefor we can not backfeeding and synchron.

6.       How is the right solution to construct the extension of time proposal?







Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 1 day 10 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Dwi

If the late busbar connection did in fact cause delays and not just use up float then you have reasonable grounds to claim an EoT.

Move the connection milestone to the actual date and constrain it to must start "on or after" and reschedule the programme.

This will show the calculated theoretical delay which will not necessarily reflect your EoT because the contractor must mitigate any such delay - provided it doesn't cost anything.

Best regards

Mike Testro