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Good Books for claims & EOT

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Haresh Jayanth
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Can anyone suggest some good books related to Building claims, extension of time analysis, calculation of acceleration cost etc...


Mike Testro
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If you send me an email at I can give you deatls of how to purchase my 10 modules on

Basic Principles of Delay Analysis.

foji babloo
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Hello everyone,

can anybody share the pdf version of this book? i urgently need it pls.

"Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts" by keith pickavance

foji babloo
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Hello Shah,

do you have the pdf version of this book? i urgently need it pls.

"Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts" by keith pickavance

Shah. HB
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Hi to all

It is costly but it is really a worth to have it for reference[Keith Pickavance - Delay and Disruption in Construction Contract]

you could check this link for videos
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The author of said book is Roger Gibson and NOT Gibson & Roger. He is a PP member but the book is only for begineers level.

Best book i have found till date is by Keith Pickavance - Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts, but the price is approx. GBP350/- (AED2200)
Ameya Kulkarni
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I came across this book recently, which is a good book to begin with...

Construction Delays : Extention of Time & Prolongation Claims by Gibson & Roger.


Toby Hunt
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I would recommend:

1. About Time: Delay Analysis in Construction by Lowsley and Linnett (a basic, quick read and a good light overview)

2. Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts by Keane & Caletka (a bit more detail and some good information)

3. Delay and Disruption in Construction Contracts Edition 3 by Keith Pickavance (an in depth publication; a must read if you want in depth reading)

4. Causation and Delay in Construction Disputes Ed 2 2005 by Nicholas Carnell (written by a lawyer so an interesting prspective)


Shah. HB
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Hi to all

I have came across a book which is fascinating and i am using it too.check out this link
Samer Zawaydeh
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You can search the following sites for the word "Claims" and select what you like:

- The Associated General Contractors of America -

Civil Engineering Contractors Association -

Society of Construction Law (UK)

With kind regards,


Mike Testro
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Hi Hamesh

One of the most concise books on the subject is "About Time" by Linnett - RICS Bookshop.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Haresh,

If you do a quick search on PP, you will find few that were recommended earlier. This is a good question, I will search for you as well.

Book= 1378 hits
Books = 539 hits
claim= 1911 hits
claims= 987 hits
Extension of time 320 hits
calculation of acceleration = only our request :)

With kind regards,
