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Use of constraints in approved baseline for EOT Issue

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Shah. HB
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To prepare an |EOT programme[Any Method] can you introduce project must finish by constraint in approved baseline.

If above constraint is not mentioned total float of delay event is positive which is not in favour to demonstrate the delay ?


Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

Nice to hear from you away from the Spiders Web.

I do not recall any reference to resource levellin in this thread.

Neither does resource levelling have any place in delay analysis unless the a contributing cause of the delay is scarcity of a specialist trade.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Sreejish Vishnu
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Hi Rafael,

good.your point is taken.

I was referring to my experience when i submitted in Impacted as planned method, without constraining finish date, using primavera.
Rafael Davila
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Under no resource leveling if you do not use negative float you will see the delaying activities under the critical path after a TIA, what more proof is needed. Of course if the delay is resource driven and your software is not capable of showing resource critical path most probably float computation will be wrong and maybe no negative float will be shown.

The owner who asks this type of question should not be evaluating delays under a CPM schedule. He does not understand the limits of some software such as Primavera that does not show true critical path under resource leveling. Fortunately although Primavera does not show true Critical Path the impact on the job duration is correctly shown.

Is simple, the difference in projected finish date between actual schedule before impact versus actual schedule after impact/(added activities) is due to the added activities, so simple is a no brainer.

If your job is delayed a single work day with a projected finish date just before a weekend the impact will be 3 calendar days, if before X-mass recess it might be 8 calendar days, depending on the particular non work days that will shift your schedule at the moment of impact. The impact on calendar days will be shown on the difference of projected finish dates; float will not tell you this. Stop thinking in the near impact only; you got to see the whole picture.

The Primavera substandard resource leveling algorithms will work in favor of the Contractor. Well if he is using the software selected by the Owner for his claim evaluation, then the Owner cannot object the results.

Best Regards,
Sreejish Vishnu
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Hi shahul,

Even if you use constraints, the early dates will get pushed off and will show delays.

But when you are not using any constraints, the client may look at your schedule and say ’’yes man you put the delays in but still there is positive float in all these activities, then how do you say that these items caused delay". I mean be prepared to face all that. Even if the consultants engineer know it very well, he might start the discusssion with these words. I personally had this experience. and many of those big managers sitting there do not really understand all these. be prepared not to loose the discussion just with a bad start.

But one thing, if you decide to use finish constraint, i think its better to use ’Finish No later than’ Constraint than using ’Must finish’ constraint.
Shah. HB
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Thanks Rafael
Rafael Davila
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Negative float will hide the most critical chain or longest chain and will make it very difficult to see the logic in your schedule. Mike calls Negative float an artificial result caused by constraints; I call it an aberration from a defunct Guru (not much of a Guru) that had nothing relevant to add and sold the idea to the Owners as to highlight project delays at the expense of the traditional meaning of float. He told Owners; you morons, you will get many negative float warnings so you know the job is behind. They are morons not because they cannot figure out if the job is or not behind schedule with the aid of a few fixed milestones, they are morons because they insist in such aberration.

Finish Constraints affects the backward pass computations only, your early dates will follow CPM traditional math, and any delay will be shown in the forward path early dates always no matter if job finish date is constrained.

If the Owner or Engineer of your job is such a moron that isists in use of negative lag you can use it, but remember just don’t use float as a measure of delay, and use the difference in the projected early finish date before and after the impact. Whether using or not job finish constraint dates the forward pass computations will always give you the impact. Remember under a resource constrained schedule float value is wrong if using software not capable of handling resource float.

Some CPM software such as Spider Project will not affect backward computations with their use of finish constraints, they will use traditional, or resource constrained float if resource leveled and will show the constraint with a fixed in time symbol on the constrained activity without need to add an additional milestone, you can toggle on and off this flag at will.

Best regards,
Shah. HB
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proposing an EOT with negative float as a evident is acceptable ?
Shah. HB
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Many thanks i expected answer of this kind--Mike
Mike Testro
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Hi Shahul

Negative float is an artificial result caused by constraints.

There should be no negative float in delay analysis.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Shah. HB
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Mike on doing your statement total float would be positive is that way of doing is acceptable ? please respond
Mike Testro
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Hi Shahul.

The whole point of impacting an event into a programme is to calculate the likely effect on the completion date.

If the end date is flagged to Must Finish By then this will not happen.

That is why you must take off all constraints before starting.

Some events will just use up float and not shift the end date.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Shah. HB
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I had impacted a delay event on baseline it shifted the project completion but total float is positive

I did the same above with project must finish by constraint but i got both shift in project completion and negative float which is favor

Which way of proceeding is correct?
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 21 weeks ago. Offline

I could be wrong, but...

If there is no constraint, the total float will be calculated vs EF of the final activity, which should be the completion milestone to which the EOT relates.


Mike Testro
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Hi Shahul

All constraints should be removed before an delay events are impacted.

Best regards

Miie Testro