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When is the commencement date

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carlo antinio galang
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When is the first date of construction of a project? is it on the notice to proceed or the date when the contractor receive its downpayment?


carlo antinio galang
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k guys thanks for your replies
Omer Hassan
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As per FIDIC clause 41.1

The Contractor shall commence the Works as soon as is reasonably possible after the receipt by him of notice to this effect from the Engineer, which notice shall be issued within the time stated in the Appendix to Tender after the date of the Letter of Acceptance. Thereafter, the Contractor shall proceeded with the Works with due expedition and without delay.

In Appendex to Tender Employer can mention the time for commencement as per following example:_

Time for Commencement 41.1 Within 14 days from the date of receipt of Engineer’s Notice to Commence which shall be issued within fourteen (14) days after signing of Contract Agreement.

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Do u hav any tender program??

Does it say anything, anything abt it?

If contract is based on FIDIC 1999, then Check Clause 8.1 (b), which says "Contractor shall commence the work (incld., mobilisation and procuremnet) promptly after the Commencement Date and shall proceed with the Works with due expedition and without delay IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TENDER PROGRAMME and upon certification by the Employers Representative, the programme submitted under Sub-Clause 8.3"


Anoon Iimos
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"when is the first date of construction of a project?" it is the day you started your layout and digging your foundation, other dates, you will only find on paper (but don’t lose the paper, you might not get paid)
Andrew Flowerdew
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A definition will be (or should be) written in the contract documents somewhere.