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When should be the data date/cut-off date for Impact Programme

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Ronn Chester Baluyot
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The contract completion date for our project has already passed. But due to some delays (our own delay and client's delay) and additional works (which cannot be linked to any of the contract works since these are independent to the original scope), we haven't finish the project yet. I was asked to make an impact programme to show the delays we encountered and the probable completion date of the project. My question is, when should be the data date for the impact programme? At the original contract completion date? At the latest update of the baseline programme? Or should I used as-planned impacted? Anyone can advice me? Thank you.


Puneet Gupta
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Impact your baseline programme with delay events as suggested by Mike (Data date = baseline data date)

Then update your impacted programme with actual dates / progress as on date (data date = latest date)....It will be interesting for you to see the outcome and compare it with the impacted completion date.


Bau Management + Consulting GmbH

ashraf alawady
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Dear All,

you have stated that we have to use the original approved program not the revised program.

if this is the case what will hapen if the cotrator was in major own delays and the program become unrealistic ad ot reflicting the actual recent status of the phesical works o site and the contractor was requested to submit a revised program to show the actions the contractor should take to mitigate his own delay own delays i order to cmplete the project on the earliest prossible time .then the cotractor has submitted the revised program and it was checked and accepted by the engineer and the employer.


after that and for any reasons and during the remaining period some delays happened from other parties out of the contractor controll.


which program should be used to analize the ipmact of this recent delays ,is it the original one or the revised one

Ahmad zaozu
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1-Use the Baseline Prog. (Approved Target)

2-Try to run it as planned till the data date u agreed to prepare another prog.

3-Add all the impact to the updated as planned baseline then run it with current data date to know when the project will end.


Best regards


Ahmed Zazou


Mike Testro
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Hi Ronn

You should base your event impacts on the original contract programme - before any progress updates or revisions.

Take all the clients delays and extra works events and sort them into chronological order.

Then impact them one by one and make a note of the delay effect on the critical path.

Don't put your own delays into the matrix yet as you are just establishing an EoT entitlement.

When you have established the clients delaya and you are looking for costs is when you need to compare your own concurrent events - but that is stage 2 - or maybe 3.

Best regards

Mike T.