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Duration automatically changing from 1d to 6000w

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Stephen Wearen
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Hi, trying to do a college assignment and mid way through programme, when I enter 1d for a duration it jumps to 6000w. Has anybody had a similar issue or know what setting will rectify this. Thanks


Ameya Talekar
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Check if you have resources in the particular activites and been closed on single day span (Act Start-Finish) it accumulates your planned resource distributio and distort the complete timeline. I just am putting my guess as it occers here in my Schedule several times when we close DELETED Provisional sums acitviities with cost loaded into it.




Mike Testro
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Hi Stephen - welcome to planning planet

Never heard of that one before - have you created a buffer task by accident - if so change it back to a normal task.

Next check your calendars both on the task and any resources.

Can you change it back to 1d by either:

Change the dates in the spreadsheet?

Drag the task back with the mouse?

You could have a glitch on the software - try deleting the task and putting it on a new row.

If nothing else then contact Asta Support - I presume you have an up to date licence.