Assist the Expert Witnessby conducting Delay Analysis & producing “Expert Reports” in matters of Arbitration by research and fact-finding, detailed analysis, quantification of delay and damages, economic modelling, and case strategy.
Prepare “Statement of Claim”& reports for Extension of Time (EOT) and Extra Cost using recognised methods and in accordance with the contract conditions.
Professional Since:
Aug-1995(29.6 yrs experience)
Oldest experience:
May 2006(18.9 yrs experience, WARNING: 10.7 years variance with Professional Since)
Posted Mon, 2012-08-27 01:13 by Magaly Suarez Bar...
First Name:
Last Name:
Suarez Barnola
Over 24 years of professional experience in cost control of large and complex projects related to the Petrochemical and Oil & Gas Industries in Venezuela and Internationally. This includes the integration and implementation of SAP R/3 systems in PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela S.A.) and subsidiaries.
Has successfully worked:
· Onsite in Egypt during the construction phase of a new build LNG project.