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Petrochemical Plant

Planning & Scheduling Engineer, Daewoo Engineering & Construction., Petrochemical Plant

START Date: 
February, 2013

DAEWOO Engineering & Construction

(Saudi Aramco and Dow Petrochemical Plant Project)

2nd Industrial City, Jubail, Saudi Arabia

February 15, 2013 – Present


      Planning/Scheduling Engineer

     Department: Project Control


Planning and Project control, SNAMPROGETTI – Milano, Petrochemical Plant

START Date: 
January, 1982
END Date: 
January, 1984

Project Control. I was representing the Client (in the name and on behalf of the Bahrenite Authority) as engineering consultant and foreign engineering coordination and construction supervision.

Project Control, SNAMPROGETTI – Milano, Petrochemical plant

START Date: 
January, 1984
END Date: 
December, 1988

Project Control. The site was in RABIGH. Petrochemical plant and refining system. I was representing the Client (in the name and on behalf of the Saudi Au-thority) as engineering consultant and foreign engineering coordination and su-pervision of works of maritime operations offshore. My duty was also to study of the certification processes, payment procedures, planning and production control.

Project control, SNAMPROGETTI – Milano, Petrochemical Plant

START Date: 
January, 1990
END Date: 
December, 1990

Project Control. Petrochemical plant for the production of olefins, rubber, PVC, polyethylene and other products. I was representing the Client (in the name and on behalf of the Iranian Authority) as engineering consultant and foreign engi-neering coordination and supervision of works. My duty was also to train young engineers identified by the central government to let them integrate in the areas of engineering and global management system.

Civil Engineer / Planner, "Descon Engineering Limited, Lahore, Pakistan", DAM, Petrochemical Plant

START Date: 
May, 2003
END Date: 
November, 2006

Mangla Dam Raising Project, MANGLA, PAKISTAN

 Following are some of the responsibilities during this Assignment:

Plan, Monitor and analyze discipline wise progress, efficiency and productivity reports based on Earned Man Hour, Quantities and Actual Man Hour.

Generate and monitor daily, weekly & monthly look-ahead schedule, targets for the area Engineer and Supervisors based on Level-IV plans.

Schedule analysis, and performance reports (Weekly & Monthly).

Identification of bottlenecks.<

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