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Network Rail UK

Micah Shumba

First Name: 
Last Name: 

I am a capable Project Management Professional with a diverse experience in Project delivery, business and leadership, developed through experience across a variety of indust

Professional Since: 
Jan-2008 (17.2 yrs experience)
Oldest experience: 
Jan 2008 (17.2 yrs experience)
Years Experience: 
Guild Accreditation: 
GPC Member

Project Planner, Network Rail UK, West Coast Mainline

START Date: 
January, 2008

I’m competent in developing and maintaining a detailed resource loaded schedule

 -developing the schedule in an agreed [WBS] work breakdown structure

-Activity coding

-resource loading

-cost loading

I assign resources and costs to activities {SPI & CPI}

I Set baselines and milestones to compare progress against

I Record actual progress against the baselines and making amendments where necessary [updating]

I create a 4 week look ahead [project plan forecast]

Project Controls Manager (PCM), Network Rail UK, FTN / GSM-R Programme

START Date: 
September, 2005
END Date: 
July, 2007

Senior Planner & Programme Controls Manager (Migration Team) September 2005 to July 2007 (Planning software P3e V5)

Network Rail (National Telecoms Project Office FTN/GSM-r Migration Team)

Working on the FTN project – National upgrade of Network Rail Fix Telecoms Network Fibre, Copper, Cab radio PDH and SDH back bone.

Project Controls Manager & Principle Programme Planner (PPP)

Control of full project budget (£80m).

Process & procedures (Programme review updates

Planner, Network Rail UK, North London line Project (Overground)

START Date: 
July, 2009
END Date: 
April, 2010

North London Line Route Improvement Programme (Network Rail) July 2009 to April 2010 (Planning software P3e V5)

Working to deliver improvements to the North London line (Overground) as part of the 2012 Olympic works

Working on large integrated programme of works from Design, Construction into Commissioning

Covering multiple disciplines Civils, Telecoms, E&P, Signalling

Providing reporting of variance to baseline and key dates review of critical path

Minimising delay to programme by managing key interfaces between

Lead Planner, Network Rail UK, High Output System 4 - Acquisition and Commission

START Date: 
April, 2008
END Date: 
December, 2009

-          High Output System 4, BCS & TRS Acquisition and Comission - LNE and LNW. Principal Project Planning Engineer.

-          Lead Planner responsible for maintaining Network Rail LNW S&C Design Programmes and KPIs, (Contractors include: Jacobs, Atkins, Scott Wilson, Arup, Corus).

Lead Planner, Network Rail UK, Modular S&C Rail - Feasibility and Early Depolyment.

START Date: 
January, 2006
END Date: 
January, 2007

-          Primary Project Planning Engineer. Collation and maintenance of engineering, design, risk mitigation, manufacturing, information technology, financial, and bearer tie trial work-stream data to form a roll-out Management Programme that conformed to a number of different delivery models.

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