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The Lean Restaurant

6 years 14 weeks ago

Go to Boston.  In the Beacon Hill neighborhood, you will find the Paramount Restaurant.  The Paramount is both a great eating experience and a fine example of Lean production.  The restaurant was opened in 1937.  Its unusual service policy that is prominently


How to use Activity Duration Type in Primavera P6

6 years 14 weeks ago

(If the image is too big, you can read the original article at this link : )

In Primavera P6, when we assign resource to activity there is a equation:

Original Duration x Units/Time =


Best Practices for Resource Management

6 years 15 weeks ago

The best sports managers in history have all been those who had an intuitive grasp of the resources they had available to them. They had a deep understanding of what each team member could do and who could make a difference at crucial


What Are Some Good Risk Management Techniques?

6 years 16 weeks ago

To properly mitigate risk, a project manager must know how to effectively manage it. The inability to ascertain hazards can cause a project to careen off the rails rather quickly. Risk management is a process that begins at the conception of the venture and is followed


What is the difference between Activity type: Task Dependent and Resource Dependent in Primavera P6

6 years 16 weeks ago

In Primavera P6, there are 2 popular activity type: Task Dependent and Resource Dependent.

So what is the difference?

By choosing Task Dependent or Resource Dependent, P6 will choose what calendar it will use for the activity:

  • Choose Task Dependent: P6 use Activity calendar for the activity
  • Choose Resource Dependent: P6 use Resource calendar for the

Reinventing the Wheel with Spreadsheets

6 years 17 weeks ago

For a long time, too long in fact, spreadsheets have been the primary tool that organizations use for budgeting, planning and forecasting. It has become ingrained in the DNA of how organizations function, the foundation of everyday reporting and transmission of vital information. Some teams


Role of “Daily Diary” in Construction Projects

6 years 18 weeks ago

Often neglected, the subject document is an important piece of paper for construction projects. The document can be used in a variety of ways to improve the project performance and dispute resolutions. I have often seen that the project team believes the document as a burden and useless effort and thus the document is either not maintained properly or in some worse cases the document even


Forecasting – An Insight on Project Planners Vs Old School Mangers

6 years 18 weeks ago

Forecasting is an important skill and since the beginning, folks have been using different techniques and procedures to better predict the future. As the technology evolved over time, new techniques and procedures have revolutionized the forecasting capabilities. Forecasting using previous experience is one of the widely used old school methods. This method is good as it is quick and general


Learning to Love the PMBOK®--It Wasn’t Easy

6 years 18 weeks ago

Years ago, I begrudgingly took my project management certification (PMP®)exam.  I passed.  Almost a decade later, I now teach PMP® preparation classes and see the value of the Project Management Book of Knowledge® Guide (PMBOK®)and the rigors of the


Management, Project Planning and Control

6 years 18 weeks ago

This is my first note. Actually I have a Persian blog to share my opinion about: Project Management, Project Planning and Control, Strategic Planning and thier softwares. The Latest part of my note is to introduce PowerBI software that is published by Microsoft in 2015. to visit it and my blog follow the link:


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Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project books, on-line video training courses and training material available from an internationally recognised publisher. Teach yourself using on-line or book based learning or run your own in-house or public courses.