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Spider Project Versions - Professional/Desktop+/Desktop/Lite

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Rafael Davila
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I wonder what will happen if a file that includes access rights is attempted to be opened with Desktop version?

  • Will it ask for username and password and allow the user to open the file?
  • Please expand; I am interested in understanding how different versions work together.


Rafael Davila
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Best Regards,


Rafael, if project file is protected then login and password will be asked if somebody attempts to open this file with any Spider version including Desktop, Lite, Viewer and Demo.

If somebody has limited access rights and exports Spider file to other formats (Microsoft Project xml, P6 xer, text, etc.) then only those fields and objects that are accessible will be transfered.

Rafael Davila
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  • Spider Project Desktop Plus at $2,000 for first purchase will provide most users with all they will ever need. This version includes
    • Integrated Risk Analysis and Links Table functionality that in most other software might be a separate application at a cost that can be above $9,000/license such as Primavera Risk Analysis.
    • Links Table that might cost + $3,000 for additional software for such a view when the software lacks it.
    • + $3,000 for the basic software this will add up to a whooping $15,000 per user and still will not give you the added functionality Spider will at a small fraction of the cost.
    • The top version, Spider Project Professional can be used on shared portfolio environment where a combination of versions might be a better choice.
  • I do not like the idea of having transfer files on the loose anyone can open and see everything, ACCESS RIGHTS SHALL BE MANDATORY in a shared environment, and this includes file transfers. A protection available when using Spider Professional and Desktop Plus.
  • I am looking to see if using Desktop version fits a shared environment and how.