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Wouldn't it be good if... ?

24 replies [Last post]
Carlos Arana
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... if you could directly CTRL+C activities from one project and CTRL+V to other project?

That would save many clicks.

... if you had one Formula Bar like the one in Excel?

In that way, When positioning over a 5-Width cell you could see the complete description without having to change the information panel's size each time you wanted to see more Gantt.

... if you could compare more than one schedule to the current project?

In that way you could have just one screen with As Planned vs As Built vs Claimed; or Last month update Vs Current plan Vs Original Plan


Rafael Davila
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Thanks for the information.

It is very useful, even works as expected when you filter activities as to add prefix or suffix to only a selected group. I use a user field I call Filter A and have a filter for when Filter A equals 1, by changing the values I can filter very easy any range or alternate selection, other filters such as per phase can be applied and so the changes to the field.


Cannot be any easier, thanks Spider Group.

Best regards,


Marcus Possi
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Hello Rafael,

I always read this forum.

Well, your prays were heard and answered :)

There is a way of postfixing and prefixing fields in Spider now !

solution !







 It is something very useful, and I think it was simple to SpiderTeam.

Best Regards,


marcus possi

Rafael Davila
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Wouldn't it be goof if you could add a prefix or suffix to selected fields without the use of a formula but simply by selecting the whole column or a range of values, then right click and having an option to add the prefix or suffix.


I have the need to add a prefix to all resources, all types, on every job prior to including these on a Portfolio, otherwise they will be global resources. In this way I can determine what resources belong to a specific job, what resources are global and I can decide how to share global or even resources belonging to a particular job as it might be some resources belonging to a particular job can be shared with another close job.

I can also foresee other uses of such functionality such as for Activity Codes.

Maybe there is a better way to control resource pools, something like all resources being assigned by default a pool tied to the job when initially created, then individual resource pool can be changed to other pool. As to avoid some wrong pool assignment when you import a new job if the new job has any resource with an already used pool a warning would ask for either abort or continue.

Perhaps I am missing something regarding my need for resource transfer to a Portfolio and about the prefix and suffix.

Rafael Davila
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In Spider; current, baseline and compared baseline bars are displayed on the same line therefore the values of current, baseline and compared fields are displayed on the same line but different columns.


Figure 1

P3 display is kind of similar, it can display two target schedule bars along with current schedule on the same line with height increased as to display the bars one on top of the other but not the data, only data for current will be displayed. But at times this is not enough, you might need to display current and target (Baseline/Compared) data, side by side or on different rows.

Depending on what data you want to present either method can be more convenient than the other. For example it is not only about the data but also about the diagrams. On the Portfolio method you can display each job individual S curves one on top of the other aligned with the timescale.


Figure 2

The data organized as in Figure 2 will make it easier for the user to generate tabular reports he can export to Excel when he has a need to organize the comparison using different rows for compared data instead of columns.

The values of the diagrams are displayed on the second column pane as Spider provides two column panes while you might be limited to just only one in other software. The second column pane can be opened and the first reduced for a fit as per your needs, this is just for illustration purposes of an alternate way to display several versions.

Mike, please display in your software how would you present the individual jobs S Curves for early and late dates one on top of the other for purposes of file comparison as shown in Figure 2.

Best regards,


Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

I am really puzzled by your response.

Why not just create a baseline for the original programme and then create other baselines following any change.

The baselines can then be displayed on screen underneath the originals and on their own lines.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Rafael Davila
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I have been exploring a way to display several versions of a job on different lines.

I figured out you can do that by creating a portfolio that will contain the project versions each renamed as to have different project code, then creating  a WBS organized by codes (original project code).

In this way all fields values of the different versions will be displayed one on top/under the other.

This method can be convenient for forensic analysis but you shall not run schedule update on the portfolio or the data will be updated to new DD across all jobs.

The following illustrates the method for only four versions but can be as many as you need. You can load all versions you will compare and then simply apply a filter to view only the jobs you want so compare at any given moment.

Suggest keeping Main WBS organized by jobs and defining there all your diagrams you need by job and save them as templates. Then write protect the file so no project schedule is performed by error.

When you move to the WBS organized by original project code you will be able to display individual job diagrams you already defined at the Main WBS. For example one of the diagrams you might want to display can be the infamous S curve particular of each job.

If you need to make any changes to a version, do not make it at the Portfolio, make it at the renamed file you imported to the Portfolio, delete old version from the Portfolio and import the revised version, then update WBS by codes.


I investigated filtering for critical activities and it behaved as expected, it is clear on what versions an activity is critical and on what versions it is not. Still got to investigate for changes in calendar exceptions but the sample job I used had no such changes. I am just beginning to implement the idea but with little practice I should tame it.

Best regards,



it is possible to create Print Templates Reference-book from any project (Create Standard Reference-Book menu item) and transfer the templates from this Reference-book to any other project:


In Printing Options select Properties and then select Fit to One page:


Printing options will be improved soon. In the version that will be released on Monday you will be able to use multiple lines in the title.

Best Regards,


Carlos Arana
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Good day everyone!

I see the very interesting discussion about production scheduling and new algorithms in the Let's challenge Spider topic and then I feel a little shame for having problems with printing. Thinking in Pareto terms, I feel like the 80% of causes which produces 20% results. Nevermind, here's it:

1. Is it possible to load a printing template from one project to another?

2. When printing, is it possible to adjust the Gantt timeline to fit one page width instead of having to change the scale of all the printing layout?

Best regards!


Carlos Arana
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It will be useful for the current analysis I am making, to compare baseline Vs claimed Vs impacted baseline.

Thank you, Vladimir.

Rafael Davila
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It looks great, great, great ... and does not add additional lines so is easier to keep focus and save a few trees.

Still I wonder if under Gantt options a selection for ALAP bar to be displayed for Baseline as well as for Compared will eventually be added.

I also wonder if under Parametes and Data for General Reports and Diagrams we will eventually be able to include parameters from compared project, for exampe; Cost Component [Compared] [ALAP].

90% of the time I do not need to display baseline bars, current job is enough, a remaining 9% would need to display current versus a single baseline and for the remaining 1% I would need a second baseline or compared job. Still the 1% is very important, same as those functionalities you rarely use but when needed are invaluable.

Thanks for those invaluables.


Now you can download and test the version where 3 schedules can be compared. One of them is project baseline, other one - user selected.

Carlos Arana
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Hi Vladimir,

I was thinking mainly about presentation tools for the Gantt chart.

The ability to add the text from more than one field in the gantt chart would allow me to put the start date on the left and the finish date on the right, which would save some time in Power Point. Also, a crosshair like autocad's and a measurement tool (also like autocad's "dimlinear" command) would come handy when explaining a schedule for other people without having to do a presentation.

Mainly, the focus of adding more features to the gantt chart would be to be able to get more useful information from the graphic area and reduce the quantity of eye movements from gantt to information columns.

I was thinking, what if It was possible to add a field to define the graphic style for an activity bar and also have a database of graphic styles? In that way, for example, I could add heavy detail on the critical path and keep the non-critical activities in context, just as bars.

The same would be useful for a Cause-Impact-Delay presentation.

Just some ideas.

Best regards,


Rafael Davila
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I have one of my own forensic feature I would like to know if can be implemented.

I would like to be able to create a movie that displays how the critical and near critical bars move along a Delay Window. The main idea is to see changes in critical path composition as intermediate delay events enter into play.

Perhaps a movie similar to the one we have for the display of linear projects.

Best regards,


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it can in P6 only,

... if you could directly CTRL+C activities from one project and CTRL+V to other project?

That would save many clicks.


it can be as follow(select the two project which you want and open thim together as image below, then copy and past as you want




... if you could compare more than one schedule to the current project?

it can be in p6. as following:( primart base line , secondary base line , ,  for  sure you compare


Hi Carlos,

what specific tools for forensic scheduling do you mean?

Best Regards,


Carlos Arana
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Hi Mike,

I must agree with you, Power Project has very nice presentation options, I remember one tool for creating page layouts which I found very attractive when I first searched for another tool than P6.

Unfortunately, my trial of PP expired before I was able to fully learn it. They should consider an approach similar to Spider's Demo. One could plan and control a small project with the demo (Or make claim presentations with the demo).

But I think that you have an interesting point: Scheduling can be for Project planning, control and for forensic analysis. What tools does the software have for each project phase?

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for the atention to my ideas, I think that 3 project versions is enough and 2 were insufficent. I also don't think that there would be an option to show field values from the three versions but the future will confirm. The copy-paste would be more useful if it could be done for a complete row, not just a cell. 

About the formula bar, I just find it strange that Spider did not have one.

I think (And I am not expert but I like to think) that Forensic Scheduling should be also considered by the Spider team. Again, just my thoughts, but here in Mexico people are more willing to pay for a claim analysis than risk management and that may last at least other decade.

Hi Rafael,

I have still not faced a resource-loaded schedule. In fact, today I am dealing with an Excel Gantt (took from a photocopy because the original files were lost) that was not CPM analyzed. We really have to foster the use of CPM if we want a future with time-resource-material-risk schedules, at least here in Mexico. Long road ahead. 

Best Regards,


Rafael Davila
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It is not about how dark your pink color is, clear does not mean it got to be a  Picasso. 

It is about CLEAR PRESENTATION, and here Asta and Siper shine above the rest when you can display several histograms, aligned one on top of each other, underneath an impacted summary Gantt, something other major software cannot do.

I know you do not believe on the impact of resource availability but on this side of the Atlantic it matters, here histograms are perfect to visually display the effect of limited resources. Also histograms are a perfect way to visually display shift on cash flow as here time is money.

Best regards,


Mike Testro
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HI Carlos

The key feature of a claim success is CLEAR PRESENTATION and - pax Spider - the best software for display is Asta Powerproject.

Just the ability to colour the delay events bright scarlet is a winner every time.

Another feature is the variable horizontal time scale where the detail of the delay event can be expanded and the lead in and out tasks can be crunched.

Add to this the curved vertical links option - but I could go on.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Rafael Davila
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Agree it is enough with regard to additional bar display on separate lines as well as with regard to field comparison side by side, more is too much.

Will not change a 100,000 versions view for a single version view that displays resource assignment within the Gantt, that I cannot live without. Will not change 10,000 versions view with the side by side comparison between current and baseline.

OK, we will add an option to see three selected project versions on the same screen. Maybe to restrict the choice by the baseline and any other selected version?

I don't think that we shall add an option to show field values from all three versions. Two is usually enough. What do youu think?

Best Regards,


Rafael Davila
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Carlos, thanks to you.

It is not the kind of display I would frequently use to manage my active jobs, but for claim presentation will be welcomed to be able to display Early and Late bars for current plus 2 baseline jobs on separate lines.

One feature I also do not use frequently is the ability for Spider to display field values of the compared project (and/or the difference in values) side by side instead of just under different lines, in addition with the use of formulas will be of great help. Don't forget to consider the use of this in addition to what you are requesting, can be of great value in claim presentation. Using formulas you can display how much an activity duration increased/decreased, how much the start was delayed and so on, the possibilities are endless, not limited to a few selected fields as implemented in other software, if you have 10, 20 or 500 formula modified user fields all will be available same as any standard field.


If you implement the display of additional baselines on separate lines please do so without reducing the functionality already available to display side by side current project field values versus compared project or the difference. In addition, in some cases it would be convenient to display a single baseline bar as implemented now. Keep both options.



Carlos Arana
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Thanks Vladimir, thanks Mike.

These are things which come to my mind when using Spider because I could do them with P3, Spider can also do resource-material-cost leveling, has a very simple yet powerful calendar system, crews of work, shifts, risk calculations and other useful features that will come handy when planning, but the schedules that I am making now are for claims.

Best regards,


Mike Testro
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Hi Carlos

You can do all of that in Asta Powerproject.

Best regards

Mike Testro

It was always possible to create activity reference books and transfer selected activities into any projects. Now it is also possible to copy data (any rectangle) from one project to another (or from Excel for example) using cliproard.

We will discuss your proposal on formula bar.

Comparing more than two schedules is easy to add but hard to read. Besides with three schedules on the screen it is necessary to add vertical space (different bars shall not hide one another). We will discuss this too. I have thought that too many bars on the screen may be confusing,