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Please help ASAP:P6 XER Imported in to Pertmaster 8 resulted into different dates

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Masoud A. Fard
User offline. Last seen 13 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Jan 2008
Posts: 4

Dear Members,

I have created an XER from my Primavera 6.2 schedule. and imported that into Pertmaster. ersult is I have different completion dates on my project as different dates every where in general. I checked the help on Pertmaster and the only thing I could find was that I have to calculate the schedule prior to XER generation (which I had done) and then generate xer. so this didnt solve my problem.

and also I have checked every start and finsih date in primavera and nothing matches whats in pertmaster. but I found primavera start finsih dates in pertmaster in imported early start and finish dates field.

please help me with telling me how to get the same schedule in pertmaster.


