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The compensation 4 A Position In Afghasnistan and Iraq

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Jose Ramirez
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Hi All,

I am in the process of negotiating a compensation package. Any ideas what a fair salary and compensation package would be? I will be holding a planner/scheduler position.

I have been only asked what I was making before which was $5000 per month without the taxes taken out and they said they could that but that is not the same thing, that was in my own home state. What would be the mark-up that I should add to my previous salary?

I am trying to find out the medium range in salary that a planner/scheduler should be paid to work in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I have no previous experience working abroad or hostile environments such as(AF or Iq). So, I don’t know what i should ask for?

Well any help would be great.

Many Thanxs in adv.



Joel Gilbert
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Practice what you preach and be a man and put your real name.

Scarllet Pimpernel
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Hello Joe,

Be a man that your forefathers will be proud of you.

Go and jump in whatever opportunity that is open to you.

Out there enjoy the life of a construction boy / man. Enjoy the girls, the love, enjoy the work and learn a lot.

Forget the fear of death for death is anywhere wherever you are, that is part of life to die.

Stop wasting time and better jump in and tell us about your experience.

Thank you,
Jose Ramirez
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Hey Mike,

You have worked in many different continents, that’s really impressive.

Thank you, Mike

Mike Testro
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Hi Jose

It was the Indian Government that took 18 years to build the thein Dam after the Impregilo bid was rejected.

Look at some other projects in Africa:

Kariba Dam with a Joint venture with Taylor Woodrow in the 1960’s

and Kanji dam in Nigeria where I worked soon after it was finished in 1979 building a School of Fisheries on the banks of the lake.

Very best wishes.

Mike Testro
Jose Ramirez
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Hey Mike,

That’s really good you have already worked for Impregilo and you belief is a good place for me.

I did not know much about them, thank you for the information.

It took them 18 years to build the Thein Dam, that’s a long time. The Canal Project has a duration of about five years.

I am also really excited because this is like a dream job and also my place of births. To return home after so many years is such an exciting prospect. I hope every thing works out in the end and I can claim that I was working for Impregilo between Aug-2009 and Nov-2014.

Mike Testro
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Hi Jose

The Italian firm you mention would be Impregilo.

They are a very good company - I colaborated with them in 1983/4 in the design and planning of a big hydro electric dam in the Punjab on the Ravi river (Thein Dam).

They have extensive engineering expertise- among the best in the world and you will do well with them.

The dam project did not go ahead with Impregilo - the Indian government decided to do it using local firms and labour.

They finished it in March 2001.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Jose Ramirez
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Hey thanks guys for the support. This is a great project. Is the building of the third set of locks for the Panama Canal. This is an awesome project to kick start my career and gains the experience I needed. I am really glad that Tony has given me a chance to come on board.

Yes, def. I am going to keep you guys posted on what is going since I am going to need all kinds of help if I am going to survive as planner. So, I am going to be posting lots of questions here.

Hope you guys are ready to help the Jr. Ones. lol.

Mike Testro
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Hi Jose

Good news.

Keep in touch with how you get on - we are all rooting for you.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Rafael Davila
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I am glad you decided not to go to Iraq, but it is only your desicion.

I just found the following links that might interest you.

Good luck,
Jose Ramirez
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Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the comments guys. I decided to pass on the Iraq job, even though they increased the original contract amount by half. It’s was not bad money for me at least but the biggest challenge would have been, that the middle east is just such a foreign place for who I am. The scariest thing to me was not the war going on but just how traditional that society is. It’s def. not Tokyo, Paris, London or New York the Mecca of liberal minds.

The best thing that has come out of this job search is that the people for the Panama Job have agree to bring me on board to work on the creation of the project baseline along with two other senior planner. It’s a big scary project but if I can survive it would be a great job experience. Let me pray to the Gods to let me survive.

Now am just hoping that this Italian Eng. Firm agrees to have me as their on-site scheduler in Panama for the Next four to five years. So, I wouldn’t need to be looking for a job for a while. I really hope so because this has been such a pain just trying to find something decent. So, I can continue to work on advancing my career I have chosen.

Joel Gilbert
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78000 = 6500$ per month. Tell the to shove it where the monkey sticks his nuts.
I am sure you are not that hardup Look at type Planner and send your CV. to all the agents looking. Saudi is looking and is better than Afghan. I found I get good response from other sites, not PP. Good luck
Gordon Blair
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I was about to tell you to go for it, suggesting that you would be safely tucked up on the facility you were planning the construction of and perfectly safe, on hearing you’re going to be on Public Transport outside the wire, I take it back :oD

In light of this, I would also expect more than a 30% uplift on US Rates.

On an unrelated note, not all UK Planners are on £500/day, am in the Nuclear Sector, where a key end client has flooded the market with dodgy, fast-tracked Project Controls Assistants, which is keeping rates depressed and Senior Planners / P6 Admins (plus Deputy PM when I can get this broom sufficiently wedged) on as little as £35-40 per hour...

boo hoo etc etc
Jose Ramirez
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Hey Mike,

I just got an email from them today and they were quite shock that I was asking for 650 Per Day. They said "I had agreed to a 30% upgrade to my previous Salary. That’s only 18000 USD, this amount would put me at 78,0000 USD Per Year". I never agreed to that maybe I didn’t know what the HR guy was saying to me and I said "Yes, because I didn’t understand him, OOPs".

Plus, they want me to ride the public transportation in the RED ZONE (I don’t even know what that is but ItDoesn’t Sound like the Green ZONE (which I hear in CNN news all the times). I guess the red zone is where all the bombs and all the mayhem happen plus no one talks about it.

Apparently they have forgotten that I am the American Infidel and they would probably be chanting death to America or Me. When I get into that bus, can you imagine that?

Well, I Guess this is my plan: I will wait for the Job in Panama To Come up or any other job in the Free Western World or anything that would have me and just keep this Guys pretty much as safety buffer in case the repo-man or hunger strikes and I am so desperate that I have to say yes am coming to Afghanistan or Iraq.

Really, Guys in the UK will not come out of bed for 500 British pounds per day. That’s really good; I wish I could make that much. I just need to find a job that I can gain a great deal of experience and knowledge. I just want to learn my craft really well.

I wouldn’t mind taking half that amount if I was going to learn from someone that was brilliant. Right now this time in my career is like been in school, I want to learn as much as I can and grad. as proven planner/scheduler.

Mike Testro
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Oh Jose Jose Jose oyvey.

What are you getting into man!

Contract guys planning in the UK don’t get out of bed for less tha £500 a day (8hrs).

Iraq would be 3 times that.

As for living conditions Aussies are used to filth and squalid conditions - that’s why they move to UK for a refreshing downgrade.

Someone once told me I wasn’t fit to live with pigs but my friends supported me - they said I was.

Everything is right with you Jose - its the world around you that is out of orbit.

keep your pecker up.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Jose Ramirez
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Am nervous I was asked (on a employement application form) how much money would I be willing to take to move to Iraq or Afghanistan and work as little project controls guy: I said 650 USD Per Day (65 Dollars Per Hr and the days are 10 HRS Long). I don’t know if that is too much but all the British guys who would be willing to go would probably be asking about 500 British Pounds per Day (850 USD)...So, I think I am within range but who knows about this stuff, dunno. Hopefully I did not out price myself.

I honestly thought we would be negotiating the compensation package not me filling some form like this. Like this is McDonnels or something and everyone knows that they will be making min. wages. So there is no point to neg. at all.

Is it normal to ask "what living stardards are you used to"? I know the Aussies, British, European and Americans guys are not living in squalid conditions; filth and wretchedness. I am pretty sure lots of them have their HIDEV Ent. System, Pioneer 64" Flat Screen, Audi, Merc, Bimmer, Caddie sitting in their garages. So, why even ask this question!

The other question was "What Religion Are You?" I didn’t answer that question. I have more Jewish affiliation and Hindi, then with my own Catholic upbringing, I am child of the new world age. I don’t think it would have been a good idea to say how i love Passover, Haniqua, Yom Kippur, Rosh HaShana and how I love Kali the Hindi

yeah something is not right with me, thinking about moving to Iraq....hey, guys, how are you?

I am thinking the only reason that i am really nervous is because this is more an ego thing "been reject that is". I rather be the rejecter.

Jose Ramirez
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Good to know, i am going to try that out right now, and C what D is all about, and hope i get a shinny new badged oD
Mike Testro
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Hi Jose

If you log into BBC Radio 2 Steve Wright in the Afternnon you can have a good shot at listing your choice for the "Golden Oldies" slot. You get a special badge if they are played. I don’t think any one from USA has even tried.

Good luck with the job hunt.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Jose Ramirez
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Thanks to Mr. Davila, I went back to my first post and re-read what i had posted. I honestly totally had forgotten about when I was thinking of changing jobs but at the end I did not.

Looking back at what happen at Intel Corp., I honestly think I should have gone with either company that had given me a job back then (Sully-Miller Contracting Co. (A ROADWAY/INFRASTRUCTURE Specialty Contractors) & and the Spanish Company that had offer me the job at Angola.

Both companies I resigned from even before my first official day of work had arrived. Today I feel so horrible that I did that to them because both companies seem really great and i really liked the people that had interview me.

And Reading Mike’s post, I wanted to thank you for sharing your thought about your experience of working abroad. That was really wonderful of you sharing that information about your friends you made and the solitude felt in Japan.

You have also commented on almost every post I have ever made, thank for your guidance, time and support.

The more interactions I have here I come to realized that this is one the most professional forums on the web today. It has been of great help to me: in learning about scheduling and in the advice from members of this community.

To Mr. Davila, I apologize if my comment about the village people was rude and insulting. Your answered was very clever because it took me back to my starting point when i was starting to look for different job. I don’t have any 8-Tracks (i think that is what you call them, I don’t think i have seen one but just only my Ipod (lol)), so i just have to rock out to them on my Ipod. I don’t even own a single track by them (Village PPL) but i prefer Queen, Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars, Lou Reed, Sussie and The Banshees, Depeche Mode, Morrissey (The Smiths), Joy Division, New Order, (actually just about anything that is British and a little bit of the French) etc....

Thank you Again guys and keep the comments coming. lol
David Wallace
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Please PM me with your contact details.

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Jose,

The main reason for our replies is that you benefit from them. I hope that you get ideas from this discussion that will open new doors for you.

You mentioned what you think is best for you. I believe that you need to spend some time and Contact the list of top 100 Contractors in ENR magazine. Also, PMI yearly conference should be soon, and it might be a good idea to network their.

If you are interested in the Middle East Region, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar are a good start and they have international companies that you can join. You can review the openings on web sites like:

Consider this job hunt as a job, but the client is you. Now what is the best solution with the best job for you. Anything else is temporary, and the sooner you determine the answer, the faster you will get their.

With kind regards,

Rafael Davila
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If you get an offer for Iraq or Afghanistan take it, don’t forget your "David Hodo" outfit and all your Village People 8-trak tapes. This will make you happy, you will get what you are looking for.

Don’t think it anymore; you have been looking for this job long ago, judging from your posting #1 on the following thread, nine months ago.

With your college degrees, even under this economy, you should be targeting for $100K+/year if in the US and some $200k+/year overseas. Some overseas packages include schooling for your child’s, a nanny included and even initiation fees for exclusive golf clubs, all these and more you can negotiate.

Good luck,
Jose Ramirez
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Hi Rafael,

How are you doing? hope all is well. I love Puerto Rico, My dad is a Nuyorican. Very cool, to talk to you.

Yes, I have look into that option. At this time i am sending my Resume/CV to everyone but it seems like it goes into a black internet hole.

I have look into jobs with contractors around here in the LA area that would be something similar to what you stated which normally would only pay around 14 USD an hour and i would help them with their project controls but the reason that they have state to me, would be "that they believe that as soon as things get better i would find a job that would pay me more and they would have wasted their time training (really training me, xD)".

I don’t know truefully how to respond to that statement because that would be what would be what really happens.

They look at me and see someone with two bachelor’s degree (PSYchology (CSULB) and Construction Management(UCLA)) plus I have finished one year of my MBA degree already but i hate it. So, i drop out. Plus i really need to pay my student loan and car/truck payment so need lots of $$$ to keep my little world going. To be honest the ppl that have interview me for this lower end positions do not seem to be as sophisticated or analytical enough to understand my passions and drives (and when they see me with my Paul Smith Suite and my Prada shoes, they are like WTF, "do you mind if you get dirty, what kind of question is this am asking myself". What am i suppost to wear my construction worker "David Hodo", outfit from the Village People, it’s an interview for god sake. Dunno)

I also really love scheduling and the management side of project controls. Quite honestly, I believe that i am best suited for a Project Management firm such as Jacobs Engineering, etc. I believe I could be great Planner/Scheduler for any organization. I have the education and training, I can simply do the job that is required. My Goals at this time are to get a Master of Science in Construction Administration because that is focus on the specifications and management plan of an actual construction project, from the Columbia University. They are a great school and have a great program.


Rafael Davila
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Consider looking for a position as a Project Clerk anywhere in the US, if you have computer knowledge in addition to your knowledge on Scheduling this would be an asset in your favor? Maybe at a lower pay, but we got to accept there are not many options under this economy. I am having my hard times also, only PP keeps me busy, keeps my sanity of whatever is left.

You will be doing clerical work, you will be doing some work as time keeper, maybe trained to take concrete samples, also will get involved in on-site purchasing. You will live everyday construction. You will assist in payment applications and production reports. You will assist in verifying quantities of materials received. Most probably you will learn about true job costing not the limited E.V. approach as you might end up doing cost coding into the time cards. You will learn the language of the field. You will get a real understanding of what scheduling is modeling; you will see the real thing.

Then, when waters return to normal level you will be able to return to scheduling and a better pay, this should help you become better at planning. No time wasted, on the contrary.

Get ready to put on your boots and a hard hat, get into the sun, rain, dust, mud, noise and some sweating.

Best regards.
Jose Ramirez
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Dear Samer Zawaydeh,

I think I have read all of your post here on planning planet and I highly respect your ops. and advice.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. Is an Honor, to meet you Sir.

Well, you have def. given me an idea. I will create a risk register for myself on pertmaster and the probability of my survival in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I am thinking am going to stand out like a herpes sort on the lips. LOL. Am so "Los Angeles, Not Even close to been Middle America Normal", If i go there i going to have to buy a new set of cloth just for these locations.

I still dress like am 17 yrs old and EMO with all my fluorescent colors, shiny metals and old school high tops.

I am thinking that I could possibly be stone to death by the Taliban as soon as I land in AF.

So the probability of my survival would be very low.

BTW I have read a few books on Risk

well, thank you again for your advice.

"From the Ultra-Liberal Jose"
Jose Ramirez
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Hi Mike,

Thank you for the information, mike...

Right now i have two offers this one (Iraq/Afhganistan). These two job locations are for the same company (which is based in Dubai) which is building Military bases for the US Army. I thought they where moving out?????

I just been contacted by an Italian firm that won the Panama Canal Expansion Project at least one part of it. Right now they are waiting for the US. Corps Of Engineer to approve the bid since they where the lowest bidders and the one with the highest tech. score. I don’t know how long this process will takes and I am not a sure thing on this job but am keeping my fingers cross.

So, I am assuming that they will get job and hopefully they are still willing to go with me. I would prefer to go to Panama since that is where I was born and lived for the first 11 years of my life.

The Problem that I having is that no one wants a Planner/Scheduler with barely 4 yrs of exp. here in the USA.

Even when i find jobs that meet my exp. level, these jobs are so highly contested from the 1000s that submitted their applications and resume.

I have been searching now for two month since was laid off and i have only been to two interviews but was not selected as their final candidate. I was the runner up on both jobs. Lucky me coming on second place, well no one remembers that guy again.

I just don’t know what to do and how to market myself anymore or even what i should say on the interviews.

What I like about the Dubai company is that they gave me the statement of work (SOW)and said build the schedule (I was given one week period to accomplish this task)which I did and they review my work and once they like what i had created.

They schedule an Online meeting and for two hours. So, they can test me on how well i could use P3.1 and how well i can use MS excel to build a S-curves (For EVM) and Float logs. I passed that too.

I didnt’ have to answer any silly question about what are my strong points are, what i like/disliked about my previous job, why do i want to be an scheduler, where do i see myself in y years. It was all about what we do planning/scheduling work and finally how well I use P3.

This interview took a lot of work to schedule 3000 activities and also to have the schedule in accordance with the Army Corps of Engineer QC standards for schedule submittal, Procurement, Resource/Cost loading. I def. got it done. This type of format (interview) i have never done before. I think it was the easiest for me since i am not sitting at home thinking about weather i answer the question with enough details or to much or whatever. I just had to show them what i what my game was all about and I guess they like my skills. lol...

But my only wish is that the only job I could get now days wasn’t in those two Homicidal/suicidal Place. My Luck luck again.

But also hoping that the Panama One comes through because this will be my salvation.

At least that is a tropical paradise, lol....
Mike Testro
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Hi Jose

Please don’t even think about it.

Unless your potential employer will guarantee your safety and back it up with $100,000,000 life insurance policy.

I worked in Iraq in 1980 -1984 and it was the best posting ever. Not now though.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Jose,

There are three types of people generally;

1. Risk takers,
2. Risk averters,
3. Neutral people.

It seems that you are a Risk Taker. I would recommend that you read a Risk Management book first, then you can calculate what the Risk that you are taking is worth for you.

Be safe,
With kind regards,
