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Planning Position Requirements

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Rob Kearns
User offline. Last seen 15 years 48 weeks ago. Offline
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Is it only me or do others get irritated that companies/agencies demand experience in one application or another?

In my opinion a good planner has more worth for the planning knowledge that he would bring to an organisation rather than the ability to drive a bit of software that is lets face it essentially the same as others at the core.


Forum Guest
User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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Hi there,

Have you seen this recent post? Perhaps it will interest you, as it is certainly relevant to this topic.

Se de Leon
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Hi guys,

I do agree with you 100% that a good planner should be one that has an extensive experience in actual projects as compared to those who are just plain data encoders. But.... since we are already in the age of fast exchange of information, a good planner must be able to really grasp the technology of our computer age and be able to communicate as efficiently and effectively to various stakeholder using project management softwares and other softwares which he feels makes him more competent.

We are not in the situation now wherein we can go back to the days wherein we do our work manually. Theres no turning back now. I believe the least we can do now is to be critical of these softwares and be proactive in suggesting to these software companies what we as planners want and need in implementing a dynamic project schedule and plans.
Mehdi Rashidi Ala...
User offline. Last seen 1 week 2 days ago. Offline
Dear Kearns,
I agree with you. In my opinion Planning knowledge should be included wide range of varity speciality such as society and etc.
