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Immigration to USA - how long does it take?

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David Podmore
User offline. Last seen 12 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Yo! To all our US friends and ex-pats in the USA.

How long should it take to be processed by immigration if you have been working for a US company around the world for a couple of years and then decide to permanently move to the US head office?

In the first place I suspect a work visa would be first followed by green card.

How long does it all take? More to the point, if your wife is a US citizen does it make it easier or harder?


Raj Radhakrishnan
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Hi David,

If you are moving with the US company to the US, then you will be on an L1 visa which is actually better. And depending on the years of experience and your position, most likely you will be eligible for EB-1 category on the green card process. Tha t means you will get your green card on a fast track basis - usually within a year. To initially get a L1 visa processed - it should nopt take more than a month - if it is on a premium processing - additonal 1000 dollars. hope this helps. thanks.
