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Working as a Building Planner in Eastern Europe

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A. F.
User offline. Last seen 8 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Bit of a random one this-

I want to work as a Construction planner (8years - building background) in Eastern Europe.

Has anyone here worked in this region? Surely with the boom in GDP growth there must be opportunities?

I would be interested in Poland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania etc

Anyone know where to start? I see the odd job but not many.

Also would you be likely to be on a UK salary out there?




L. P.
User offline. Last seen 7 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi A.F.

I worked in Belgrade, Serbia. In this country there are rare opportunities to work as a planner, simply companies don’t do too much planning. Only thing you can do is prepare master schedule (which, once project begins, nobody will follow & take look again), do BOQ, and supervise the project. Although, there are foreign construction companies in Belgrade, mostly from Austria and Germany, but I know one British company, so maybe you can contact them to see if there is opportunity.

Czech Republic, is probably the best place in whole East Europe. There is construction boom in that counrty since 1999. and many US and other foreign companies do heavy jobs there (even giant "Skanska" has branch in Czech, so you can see that there are huge construction activities). I heard that there is lack of engineers in construction industry.

Romania is maybe after Czech Republic best choice. There were some requirements for planners even on this site, and I know one guy who left to work in Constantsa, city on the Black Sea. Last time I heard him (summer ’07) he said that he has a great time, and even getting good salary (some german company hired him).

About Hungary,Slovakia,Poland,Bulgaria I don’t know too much... I found some adds for planners in Poland & Bulgaria. In Hungary and Slovakia all I know there is a strong presence of German and Austrian construction companies. The knowledge of German language could be helpful.

But the best thing about this region is lifestyle. People are very friendly with foreigners, there are lot of places to go out every single day, and stay as long as you wish!
I knew some western expats who lived in Belgrade, all of them first didn’t expect so nice enviorment, and after while were enjoying their time there. Same thing is for all countries in East Europe.

I think if you get offer, you should negotiate your salary in Euro. UK pound weakend against Euro in recent time; Before one year 1GBP was 1.49 euro. Today 1GBP is equal to 1.28 euro; so I advice you if you get contract in this region, consider taking a salary in euro.

Actually, East Europe is very good place for western people: if you find job you like it, you can have good lifestyle, spending much less then in your home country; whole region is still cheaper then West Europe, especially then UK.

I hope I helped you somehow , with this informations!

