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Tips on using this forum..

(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.


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Jimmy robert
User offline. Last seen 18 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
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ALL MEMBERS Read and absorb:

a)Every fresh engineer after graduation, go to P3 training centre, attend 3, 7 days course, come to this forum and declare himself as BEST PLANNER. Am I right LOLs.

This is easiest way to get job and enrolled in this forum and to show others that he has PPID.

No category- no criteria- no grading -no parameter. all ....

THE MOTO OF THIS forum is to come and get in.

b) Actually there is manopoly in this forum, if one gives his opinion in critcisim , other members (who like praising of each other) fell down in the forum and barking at that guy who show them the truth and reality

[Personal attack deleted by Moderator.]

c) As regards jobs, UK pepole are fortune that all jobs in this forum are for them. Right. I think UK is Big Market for planner and they do not want to like to entre other community in Job Section.
Very Conservative approach - Very Conservative approach -

this forum should be named as UK PLANNING PLANNET not PLANNING PLANET.
Chance should be given to each one. Its equally right of all not bound around boundary like uk people.

Am I right """""

As regards # 2 Planning Market UAE which declare themselves as the No. 1 Planning Engineers, their related jobs are MINOR only two or three in this Forum ? then I could not understand that Why these UAE people have a complex of superiorty than others and called themselves good Construction planners?

Factually UK/USA never lift UAE planner then why these UAE planner sit on head and always prefer Home Planners ? Perhaps they feel that THEY ARE GOOD AND ADVANCE than UAE and other areas.

Should be within their limits not cross the limits

These are some points and realities which the members should be faced



Trevor Wilson
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Hi guys, I have been planning for 25+ years and came accross the site by accident a short while back. I find the whole concept very refreshing and a valuable contribution to the planning community WORLD WIDE. Keep up the good work.
Cyril Armentia
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Hi Jimmy & everybody in the planning planet,

My understanding is that "Planning Plannet" was created in order to solidify the planning community and here we are putting the interest to be members.

The planning "Forum" was created for the member planners to interact and give views and/or advices to those members who are in need of help in the field of planning and scheduling.

I am happy that I came across to be a member of this organization.

I hope that we (planners) should unit for the best of the site and for the best of the planning community.

Boosting someone’s self to find a job is normal. It’s up to the recruiter or employer to assess on what the applicant is telling about himself or herself even if they post it on this forum. Posting one’s heroism in the forum has no receipt. Anybody can call himself the greatest planner in the world. But, but remember, each member has to submit his or her resume or CV for membership application. So, whatever they say about themselves can be cross-checked from the their credentials and they have to proved themselves on the job.

Regarding, UK planning jobs, I don’t think of any wrong on it. If that’s the case, why not we request from the Website Committee to post planning jobs from other contries too.

Robert Adams
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I entirely agree re: the value of this site.
Planning work can be very solitary at times, and being able to discuss issues and concerns with similar professionals is priceless.
Since I am currently in the midst of a large change secularly, ’Planning Planet’ is a big link for me to keep established within the community as a planning professional.

Thanks to everyone for their comments and queries!

Bernard Ertl
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This is an internet forum. There is no validation or guarantee for the qualifications for anyone who is a member here. It is up to you to evaluate a poster’s expertise when analyzing a discussion (or advice).

It is natural for people to respond to criticism and to offer it where bad information is presented. This is normal. I’m not sure I understand the point of your rant.

If the Planning Planet is not measuring up to your hopes and expectations, you can either help improve it or find another venue that is closer to your ideal. I myself find the PP to be very dynamic and full of experienced project folk from all over the world. I am grateful for their contributions of time and knowledge. I don’t know of any other free resource on the internet where such quality discussions in this field can be found.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems - eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
Ronald Winter
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then why do you say you are from the USA? Your writing belies that fact with every sentence that you write.