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Project Management Qualification Survey

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Your assistance is needed! I’m currently carrying out a survey on Project Management accreditations and qualifications for a project management newsletter we publish on a monthly basis. Last month we talked to our clients about why they specify that candidates should have qualifications like PRINCE2 etc (interesting reading). This month our readers wanted to know more about what their peers views were on this subject, therefore we’re asking you to contribute:
Survey The survey should only take 2 minutes of your time and I will also publish the results here for readers of the forum.

Thanks for your time

Regards Lindsay


Bernard Ertl
User offline. Last seen 9 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 757
Hi Lindsay,

I fixed the link in your post. Please review how to add HTML links to your posts.

Also, I would suggest that certification is a better word than qualification for your survey. Experience is a qualification. 3 letter acronyms are indicative of certifications.

Bernard Ertl
InterPlan Systems - eTaskMaker Project Planning Software