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Should we Allow Recruiters to Search for us?

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One of the members recently asked this question...

"Where can one put his/her C.V Into the Planning Planet Website"

This is a good question. We have not got a place for it. We have made our job application script have the future functionality to save a copy of our CVs (some of us have applied for some too) on the server in a secure "CV" directory. Each CV would be renamed to our respective PPid number.

This was as a result of several recruiters asking if they could search CVs etc for certain keywords and get hold of CVs. To date we have said no, and hence not got permission from all of the members.

We could produce a script that would show these future CVs along with some of the personal data (skills etc) to be searched by approved recruiters.

We have not thought this through, but it seems that we could offer each member the choice of allowing his / her CV or "key skills / location" (from our personal data files) to be searched by these recruiters. Hence the CV could then be downloaded following a message to us "Please click here if you wish Fred Smith, from Manpower Recruiters in Chicago to obtain your CV"

Something along those lines. What do you think ? This site is run by planners, for planners and as such much of the development initiatives come from the members.


Mark Lomas
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Q: Should we allow free-format CVs to be stored on the PP website server or should we expand the "skills" section that each member fills in already ? I favour the latter.

Q: Should we allow recruiters to search that database ? I would answer with a question - whats in it for PP ? Are the recruiters going to pay, or provide some form of sponsorship, or do we think it is enough that they are getting our guys better jobs ? Hell, they get commission, PP should get a slice ! Also, will PP vet the recruiters before allowing them in ?

I like the concept of notifications / permissions from each user, but isnt that a big headache (for PP and users) ?

I would have no objection to recruiters being allowed access to the data held by PP as long as 1. I had the chance to amend the data first, 2. contact details were not passed on (spam issue) and 3. I knew who had accessed my data and when.