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How good is your country at reporting covid-19 statistics - it is a mess.

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Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 1 day 17 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 5240

I do not believe Covid 19 could be tacked effectiviely if your country statistics are poor.  


Such numbers are misleading, 100% positivity rate!

Whoever publishes some numbers without having the necessary information loses credibility.  It is simple if you are incapable of getting the necessary information do not publish any number.

I wonder if the reporting in your countries is this bad.


Rafael Davila
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Some sites such as do not report misleading numbers.


Rafael Davila
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Posts: 5240

The following is another site again with different results.


And another.


The difference in reported infection rate among these two sites is abysmal!

Until there is no uniform reporting standard it will continue being a mess.

Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 1 day 17 hours ago. Offline
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Posts: 5240

They say some territories do not report negative results.

  • Puerto Rico does not report negative results for one logical reason: The reported number of patients tested do not represent the same patients included in the reported number of patients tested positive due to a lag between the date the specimen is collected and the availability of test results. Positivity rates cannot be inferred by dividing patients tested positive by patients tested for this reason.
  • I do not mean to say it is not possible to pair same day test results, this would mean true positivity rate will lag several days the day the specimens are collected.  
  • It looks like PR figured it out how to estimate positivity rate better than showing 100%, a meaningless value that is not credible.
  • If you do not have the data you shall not report any number, to show 100% is wrong, these "fake news" makes their credibility go down the drain.