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Project Coordinator VS Project Manager

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Jack Olson
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I am trying to find information on the following subject. Please help me.

"Roles and responsibilities of Project Coordinator VS Project Manager"




Frank Gambino
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yeah right....:)

Frank Gambino
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Project coodinator coordinates the team and process together for project implementetion whereas project manager manages the whole project.It is responsible for the planning of project and exucation of the project.

Paul Giamalvo
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Yes Pat but wouldn't you think that if what PMI was advocating actually WORKED, that in the 45 years PMI has been around and in the 30 years their ubiquitous PMP, with +/-6,000,000 certified holders has been in place, that by now, we should see some MEASURABLE improvement in project management delivery?  Certainly no research I have seen supports this premise...?

More evidence that what PMI was advocating doesn't work is they have now changed the PMBOK Guide, 2016 Edition to look more like AACE's Total Cost Management Framework, (TCMF) which is a FULLY INTEGRATED Asset, Portfolio (both asset and project portfolios), Program (Operations) and Project Management Methodology.  As near as we can ascertain, AACE's TCMF came to us originally from either Diamond Shamrock or Esso back in the 1950's, and this fully integrated model is now in use by virtually all the major International and nearly all National Oil Companies (IOC/NOC)  Which is a pretty solid indication that what the oil companies have developed actually WORKS, even though their track record for on time and within budget project deliverry remains abysmal, from a BUSINESS CASE perspective it seems to be a solid model.....  (Let's see how they do at sub $30.bbl oil......)

It was this fully integrated model that the Guild of Project Controls adapted (largely based on AACE's TCMF, modified by published papers from Chevron et al) as the basis for our "Project Controls Compendium and Reference" ....

Bottom line- In this fully integrated model, the project manager is a lower to mid-level manager with little or no formal authority, usually limited to making TACTICAL rather than STRATEGIC decisions.  True strategic decisions are made by the Asset or Program (Operations) managers in their role as PROJECT SPONSORS, often after a review by some sort of "steering committee."

Dr. PDG, Jakarta

Patrick Weaver
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According to the PMBOK Guiide:

Project manager runs the project with close to full authority.

Project coordinator works for a senior manager and coordinates work (but have very limited authority).  

nikhil joseph
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What i feel is when software are their why coordinators? Software will take of the co-ordination. Manager does all the remaining job of dedicating the employee, building strategy and follow-up that projects are done at times etc.,

There are free software for project management with mobile CRM App which we should be aware. Some software are Apptivo and Zoho. At present iam using Apptivo software. It saves time.

Nick Nikolaev
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Hello Jack,

Main difference between Project Coordinator and Project Manager is the scale of responsibility. Project Manager is ultimately responsible for identifying project goals and objectives, directing, managing and controlling project work, aligning it with strategy and delivering the project. While Project Coordinator is more of a traffic controller, arranging assignments, analysing course of the project and reporting its status to the management and stakeholders. Project Coordinator doesn’t define project strategy or make strategic decisions, they are directed top-down. While Project Manager is responsible for budget and procurement, Project Coordinator is responsible for coordinating those aspects and reporting issues, risks or wins to strategic management. Project Coordinator can be working under Project Manager and/or Project Director, covering team coordination, groundwork, data collection, tracking, etc. In a functional organisation structure Project Coordinators manage projects within department under a functional lead. Project Coordinator role also can exist on its own in small companies where strategic decision making, finances and procurement is covered by CEO or Director. Source: