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Progress in Primavera P6

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vikram chintalapally
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Hi sir

my activity duration is 10days,

work is completed 60% in 10days

how can i enter my progress in primavera p6, how can i show 40% delay of work?




Rafael Davila
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        update rules  
        rule 1rule 2rule 3rule 4
 estimated/original durationactual durationactual productionremaining productionestimated productivity %/dayactual average productivity %/dayrevised productivity %/dayremaining duration = original - actual, of =/< 0 use 1 dayremaining duration using estimated productivity daysremaining duration using actual average productivity daysremaining duration using revised productivity days
scenario 1101060%40%10.00%6.00%8.00%
scenario 210860%40%10.00%7.50%8.00%
scenario 310660%40%10.00%10.00%8.00%
rule 1used after the facts on some delay analysis protocols      
rule 2does not consider that schedules are dynamic therefore is wrong that will always be the case   
rule 3does not consider that schedules are dynamic therefore is wrong that will always be the case even if performing as expected it might be productivity is expected to change for whatever reason field supervisors know best.   
rule 4consider schedules are dynamic        
Schedulers shall model the job in a way similar to how it is managed at the jobsite. For decades the Project Managers have managed their jobs by asking their team essentially two questions; what was the production yesterday and when do you expect to finish your activity.
In the same way schedulers shall update their schedules by asking these two basic questions, rule 4 shall be used whenever possible. Get the best available estimate for remaining duration.