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E.O.T approval

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Ashraf Yonis
User offline. Last seen 13 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all

Actually, we are working on FIDIC YELLOW contract, the contract period was over since 30/06/2011 and we submitted an EOT till 20/010/2012, untill now, the client didnt response to our EOT and my GM refuse to do any work at site untill we have approval on EOT.

90% of work is over, but the client refuse to issue a TOC to us and he is currently use our product. T&C is done and inspected by the engineer.

For issuing a TOC, we need to submit a final account, can i apply for final account while the project in some area not yet finished ?

also, what about the unsetteled VOPs, can i show it in the final account ?


Please advice 


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Hi Ashraf

You have a number of problems here.

1.  Check you contract regarding client taking possession of the project - It may represent a de facto completion for the occupied section.

2.  Your GM refusal to finish the last 10% of the work is a dangerous tactic which may backfire.

3.  You do not have a Final Account situation yet because that will follow the TOC - in your interim or penultimate account include everything that you are owed.

My advice is to get the job finished and then enter into dispute mode.

Best regards

Mike Testro