Hi Everyone,
I'm currently busy with a Thesis on Changes & Modifications in the Construction Industry, and I have read numerous books on Changes and Change Management, different types of contracts and also books on how to manage change.
But what I need to know is Personal Experiences & opninions.
I know that there are various changes which occur, such as
a) Contract Changes
b) Design changes
c) Quantity Changes
d) Change Management
My questions I pose are for example:
1. How do you as a professional manage Change in a project.
2. How does your Company Manage it.
3. Do you feel that Change & Modifications are well-explained in the Contracts that has been set out.
4. What in your opinion is the biggest negligence when it comes to Changes and why has it occurred
5. What Type of impacts have you experienced due to the different changes.
Please feel free to add more Questions, maybe myself or someone else can help us understand this topic better.
And please feel free to put your own opinion & thoughts down.
This subject intrigues me that's why i have chosen it as Thesis.