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WBS-Trade or floor?

9 replies [Last post]
Suraj Bhatt
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Hi Guys!

I am in the process of centralizing and standardizing the scheduling process in my organization .
Would like to have your feedback on:

Should the WBS be Trade wise or Floor wise in a building project??
Well ,I know that similar objectives can be achieved by assigning codes
But, what is the best way?



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I concurr with Shahul Badhusha. Your WBS can be
Floor (1st Floor)

We are following the above ...
Rafael Davila
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If I had no other option than a single WBS I would organize it by Area (Floor) then by Work Division (Trade). I would create custom fields one for each WBS level, one for area/floor another for trade, another for supervisor/responsibility and so on. Similar to the activity codes used in old P3. In case I have to change to another WBS then using these fields most software would allow you to automatically create the WBS codes and will also automatically assign them to each activity.

Fortunately you are over the WBS Syndrome, where some people ask as if WBS is something extraordinary, where some people write doctoral theses on it, when in reality is like the index of a book, is your map to find the activities.

If you disclose your software I am sure many can help you with the procedure for your software to create or change the WBS using activity codes (as named in P3 and SureTrak) or outline codes (as named in MS Project) or codes (as named in Spider Project). I recall SureTrak would create WBS codes from activity codes through a Script.

If you are using spider Project then I can be of help, otherwise it got to be other PP member. Here you can create multiple WBS and create multiple reports organized and summarized as per the WBS under which each was created. Then you can print summary reports based on different WBS, different levels.

Best Regards,
Suraj Bhatt
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I completely agree with you.What I intended is a sample WBS.Do not assume that the competency level of every planner would be the same.Believe me I am having a tough time.
A sample WBS helps to provide a guideline.Then a project WBS can be dependent on the project objectives and deliverables required by the stakeholders.

Rafael Davila
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The best way for you might not be the best way for others, it might even be that your "best WBS” varies depending on your needs for a particular issue and other might be better fit for other issues.

Don’t settle for a single WBS no way it will do it in an absolute way, keep the possibilities open. There is no single best way but multiple good choices. You should be able to define multiple WBS particular for your individual jobs and multiple WBS for your portfolios of jobs as needs at the individual job level might not be the same as that at the Portfolio level.

I believe you are not a dictator, maybe limited by substandard software that do not provide for multiple WBS. If only one it means is kind of irrelevant, it won’t make any difference. Use Monte Carlo and organize your activities at random.

You suggested two choices, keep them both and add a couple if need be.

How many WBS are you going to use? Tell me at least 4, then I will know for sure you are not a dictator and you are sensitive to the needs of others in your team.

Best Regards,
Suraj Bhatt
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ha ha !what makes you feel that I am a dictator?? :)

That I am in this forum asking for the best way says otherwise.

Rafael Davila
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Why not using several WBS?

One WBS by Area-Trade
Another by Trade-Area
Another by Responsibility-Area
A few others that best fits the needs of other key Players such as your Subs.


You are a dictator, only one WBS, this is insane, don’t force others to use yours, they have their particular needs. Are you going to force others because you are the “boss” the “macho man”? Are you to stop development of your schedule until Cinderella approves your WBS? Use your own, let Cinderella use her own.

Best Regards,
Shah. HB
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I suggest to move in floor wise and then break down WBS in to trade wise.

In building projects levels or floors tends to be fixed where as trade tends to vary ,it depends on many factors
Suraj Bhatt
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You got it...
But what are the merits of going by Trade?
Ferdinand U.
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Do you mean

Trade wise


Ex. Blockwork 1st Floor, Blockwork 2nd Floor, etc...

Floor wise


Ex. 1st Floor Blockwork, 1st Floor Plaster, 1st Floor Primer, etc.

Best is by trade