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Construction Management Msc Programs

3 replies [Last post]
sertac oruc
User offline. Last seen 13 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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I am planning to join a Msc degree program in construction management, and I need information and experienced comments about the universities, especially in U.K. What can you advise to notice while deciding the university ?


Larry Bjorn
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I did my MSc in Construction Management at University of Reading 98/99. I enjoyed it tremendously. At that time University of Reading was ranked one of the top universities for construction related degrees. Because of its good reputation, the course had student from all over the world. As a matter of fact, only one student was English. The credentials of their lecturers where very impressive - including charismatic intellectuals like Roger Flannigan, Ranko Bon, and Norman Fisher. I hope it hasn’t changed much since then. If it is still the same, I can promise you a fulfilling journey.
Besides the university, Reading is a nice place to live as well.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Sertac,

A good source is to visit the website.

Good luck,

smiling shagger
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I would suggest a visit to British Council(education) (am not sure whether ones in Istanbul) and contact the respective uni department teaching personnel , discuss with them, which part of construction mgmt field they could offer in parallel your intended field of studies/research ; before making your decision to which Uni you wish to go.

Btw, if you wish to fly back to Turkey from UK, it would be better to write it down on a piece of paper "Turkey" to travel agent. I met a lady japanese holiday maker who wish to get herself to Turkey, end-up landing in Torquay UK.

Take care