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Dismantle of Tower Crane ?

5 replies [Last post]
Basel Al-Jazzar
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How are the tower cranes that are fixed inside the concrete shafts being installed and dismantlled for a building of 100 floor (400 m high) ?


Mike Testro
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Hi Matthew

Welcome to Planning Planet and thanks for your contribution.

You have answered a thread that is more than 7 years old.

In future please keep your most welcome responses to current topical threads.

Best regards

Mike Testro (Moderator)

Matthew Elliott
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I have documented the process here

A 400m high crane is usually built alongside the building not inside however on the rare case it is built inside a shaft then a removal crane and winches will be set up on the roof to take down the tower crane and lower to the ground.  The removal crane is designed to be transported via the buildings lift

Christian Adrian ...
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here is a link for you to check

hope this helps...


Clive Randall
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[Deleted by Moderator.]

Good question how do you get the crane down or up for that matter

Well most cranes will climb within the building in a similar fashion to when you put them outside, matter of frames temporary steelwork and crane specific jacks.
When you want to take them out you need another lifting device. If you have two cranes one will dismantle the other then there is only one left. At this point you assemble a scotch derrick, nothing to do with the wee men north of the beckhams border and lift out your crane. Then you take apart your derrick and the jobs done. The link below does show a scotch derrick allthough its only the principle that is used for removing a TC not a derrick of this size.

Hope this helps I have left out the really clever bits cos they take a lot to explain, however if you are going to do this, think how you are going to get it down before you put it up it will save soooo much pain
Kind regards
Nigel Winkley
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Sometimes they are not! I have seen several instances where they are built into the structure with only the boom removed.