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P6 nested filters

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Ramon Perry
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I am struggling to create a nested filter with a mix of 'And' or 'Or' between each row.

Can somebody please advise how can I change an individual row from 'And' to 'Or', or vice-versa?

When I click the (All of the following) to change to (Any of the following), it seems to change ALL rows to one or the other. Also the little left and right arrows seem to be always greyed out, which makes indenting difficult.

Does anybody know of a good 'P6 nested filter' tutorial on the web, there must be one somewhere?




Kaif Mohsin
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Hi Ramon,

Your filter will exactly look like as it is described by Mr. Meraj. Here, is the Step by Step process:

Step 1: Assuming you are in the Filter dialog box, your first step would be to put 'Resources' equal to 'Electrical Crew' as shown in the below picture



Step 2: Next you have to 'Add' a new filter criteria and set the parameter to 'Any of the following'. So, at the end of Step 2, your filter will look like this:



Step 3: Further add two more criteria, for your activity name's of 'Electrical Installation' and 'Cable Install'. And at the end yor filter will look like this



Hope you can see the above picture's. If still you have any doubts, you are most welcome to ask.

Best Regards,

Kaif Mohsin




Ramon Perry
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Thanks for your response Meraj Zia,

Specifically, my problem is I don't understand how to get the 'Or' operator in line 5.

Would you kindly offer a step by step instruction on this?



Meraj Zia
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Hi Ramon,

I hope you already got the solution but just in case you did not here is what I would suggest to you:


The filter lines should look like the following:

Line 1:                                 (All of the following)

Line 2:      Where                  Resources              equal               Electrical Crew

Line 3:      And                      (Any of the following)

Line 4:         Where               Activity Name         contains           Electrical Installation

Line 5:         Or                     Activity Name         contains           Cable INstall


The Line numbers above are only for explaining the format, you will not see or be able to enter the words "Line #".

Best Regards

Meraj Zia


Raymund de Laza
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Ramon Perry
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Hi Kaif,

Here are the conditions of the filter I require, would you kindly provide a step by step process?

Suppose I wanted to look up a resource ‘Electrical Crew’ which has activity name containing either ‘Electrical Installation’ or ‘Cable Install’.

At the moment I would use 2 separate filters.

Filter 1: Resource Name = Electrical Crew

Filter 2: Activity Name = ‘Electrical Installation’ or ‘Cable Install’

Would be great if I could combine to a single filter



Kaif Mohsin
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Dear Ramon,

Sorry, for a late response. I think it would be better if you can give me the conditions of the filter you want and I will give you a step by step process for your better understanding.

For Raymond: Yes, you can combine 'And' / 'Or' in one filter. See the attached image


Best Regards,

Kaif Mohsin

Raymund de Laza
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You have to define 2 separate filters.

You can not combine And / or in one filter.

Ramon Perry
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Thanks Kaif,

I have tried to follow those instructions, unfortunately I still don't get it.

The instructions state:

To indent the Or condition rows under the And condition rows, we inserted a new row below the last ‘And’ condition and assigned the ‘(Any of the following)’ option to it. All subsequent rows will have an Or option in the first column until we insert another ‘(All of the Following)’ option.


The above instructions suggest when you assign (Any of the following), 'all subsequent roles will have an Or option'.

When I assign (Any of the following), 'all subsequent roles will have an Or option'.

Do you know how I can get a mixture of 'And' and 'Or' ?



Kaif Mohsin
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Dear Ramon,

You can find the desired tutorial at the following link:

Best Regards,

Kaif Mohsin