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Seasonal work, make an activity stay within one season

7 replies [Last post]
Håkon Haukebøe
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Hi, I'm planning a project with a lot of seasonal work. The season is usually from 1. april until 31. of november.

The activities are usually 5 months in total, and the project would not want the contractor to stay on the project over the winter.


Is there anyway to "force" the activity to stay within one season (or year), and if its pushed out in time, it would jump to the next year?






Håkon Haukebøe
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Thanx for the replies. Rafael; excellent solution, I think this will solve my problem. Cheers.

Edit: Cheers to Gary aswell.


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 17 weeks ago. Offline

So you have a 5-month section of work that must be completed in whole, in a single 8-month seasonal window


1) Create a milestone called "Start of seasonal activity". Give it a calendar that only allows it to be scheduled in the 1st 3 months of your season (ie 1st April to 30th June)

2) Assign all the predecessors of your seasonal work as predecessors of your milestone

3) Link the milestone to your first seasonal activity FS(0)





Rafael Davila
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Try using a milestone activity with a calendar that includes only the workdays range where the activity can start so it starts within the season but not too late as for a portion of work to fall outside the season.

Link FS predecessors to the milestone so it will be driven to start within range that meets predecessor logic.

predecessors --> milestone [special calendar] -->seasonal activity [use seasonal calendar if any update delays means work out of season must be finished next season]

The milestone workaround can be used for other types of links such as FF using different special calendar.

Ronald Winter
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It all depends upon what the project would do if the work actually does run over – would you not start the work in favor of waiting until the next season or would you just terminate the work early?  If you would terminate early, then I suppose you could set the Expected Finish Date Constraint to 31NOV13.  P6 does not have a function to not begin until the entire work can complete function.  Good luck!

Håkon Haukebøe
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Yes, I have created the calendars.


Current situation in primavera:

When an activity (not started) with spesific calendar is pushed, the activity streches out over the winter, with the remaining work scheduled in the following season.


Wanted situation in primavera:

When the activity is pushed, i want the whole activity to be moved to the next year, not just the remaining work.



Håkon Haukebøe
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Sorry about the double posts. Think it is due to my works outdated browswe..

Raymund de Laza
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Create specific calendar for those activities and assign accordingly.

Hope this will help.