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Filtering within a WBS

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Sebastian DiBlasi
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We have schedules developed by contractors that have WBS's utilizing a standard template developed for the project I'm involved with. Since we have approximately 15 projects set up using this template, we wanted to filter activities wherein work is occurring under a particular Stage across all the projects. I can filter a WBS by just stating WBS Name equals "Stage X". The problem is you only get the activities under the Stage X in question, you do not get the activities from WBS's within the Stage.

I reached out to Oracle and they came up with a solution to create a UDF, then perform a global change where the UDF equals the WBS Name, then run a filter on the Stage, but it is still the same problem. To try and utilize a filter of activities for "WBS is under Stage X" would be monumental and a total pain to perform.

Have you encountered such a situation and do you have a possible solution? I am attaching two pictures: one of what the filter does when WBS Name equals Stage X and one of what we really need.



Arend Woltjer
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Hi Sebastian,


I have good results using the WBS categories, easy to use:  group on wbs and fill your WBS category column with your defined stages and filter on that.

Also the filter:  WBS path- contains- stage/value does what you ask. It gives you the activities of lower stages.

I hope this helps,



Rafael Davila
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Think out of the box, instead of it got to be using WBS consider using activity codes to create your filters.

Frequently I create my jobs using whatever WBS arrangement comes to my mind but also create user defined activity codes. Then from these activity codes I can create a couple of extra WBS dictionaries. Usually one WBS dictionary organized by Project/Area/CSI.Div. and another WBS dictionary organized by Project/CSI.Div./Area., is similar to organizing by codes but not equal.

If you insists on using WBS codes I believe the use of user defined fields shall do the trick. Copy the WBS codes on a user defined field using global change and create a filter, not by looking for an exact match but for a string starting at a specific character on the text values. I tried this approach with my software and it worked, but I still prefer the use of activity codes rather than text filters.