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Actual cost and Earned value cost

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Kannan CP
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In my cost loaded schedule, the actual cost is showing some value higher than the earned value cost. So after each update to fix the problem, i make the actual cost similar to the earned value cost.

Is there any option to get the actual value similar to the earned value, based on the activity % progress.

Thanks in advance.




Mohammed Azharuddin
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Solved !

Check out my article here

Mohammed Azharuddin
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Solved !

Check out my article here

Jenny Ingco
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The Actual Cost= Invoices Paid+Invoices Acrrued - Disallowed Costs...

EV= % of the Total budgeted cost...

So, they both are diffrent values and can't be same.


Thank you,



Raymund de Laza
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It works....



Anning Sofi
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That would be helpful to know there is a shorter way to have EV cost similar to actual cost.

As we all know,  EV cost is based on %performance complete x budget cost. Actual cost is calculated on %complete x budget, BUT in this case, %complete maybe based on units, physical or duration, depending on settings of the duration type for each activity. The % performance complete is not necessarily the same as the %complete based on units, physical or duration; hence the difference in values for EV and actual costs.

Raymund, Tools -> update progress may not work in the objective. Try it, as we had, and it didnt yield the same cost for EV and actual cost.



Raymund de Laza
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Use Tool... Update Progress.

Aldrin Morallos
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For me, you cannot make the same result between Earned and Actual Value in P6 unless otherwise you formulate it.

