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Problem with relationships to completed/in progress tasks

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Kate Nash
User offline. Last seen 12 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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I hope this is a simple problem that can be easily fixed!

I have relationships to tasks in my project, however, when I set the task to started or finished, and then schedule the project, it seems to lose the relationship to the predecessor and seems to start on a seemingly random date

Is there an option I have to set to keep the relationships the same regardless of whether the activity is not started, in progress or completed?



Frederic Fasquelle
User offline. Last seen 1 year 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 61

Hi Kate,

If there are links, they can not be deleted during schedule.
If a logic is not respected, it must come from wrong links applied to your predecessors.
Lets imagine that you have 3 activities in FS


After your update, acitivty B is declared as completed while A is on going. Thus even if activity C is linked to B, it will not before completion of A.

This could be one reason.

Nevertheless, you can use "Mandatory contraint", but this clearly not a good practice in my mind.
It is hidding your logic or mistake as identified here above,
