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Start and Early Start

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moutaz aldeib
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Dear Planners,

What is the difference between Start and Early Start?




omid khan
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early start:

The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability. Early start dates can change as the project progresses and as changes are made to the project management plan.

  early finish:

The earliest possible date the activity can finish. Early finish dates can change as the project progresses and changes are made to the project management plan.

This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.




The current start date of the activity. For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.



p6 data dictionary 8.1

Raymund de Laza
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If Data Date = Project Start Date then Early Start = Start

If Activity already Started then Start = Actual Start and Early Start is the start date of remaining duration.

If activity not yet started then Start = Early Start.



Ronald Winter
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Resource Leveling always puts its resultant dates into the Planned Dates columns.  It optionally also updates the CPM dates and the Start/Finish dates if you do not check the option, “Preserve scheduled early and late dates” in the Level Resources tab.  It takes a genius to keep all of these operations and options straight (especially because most of the operations are not even documented in the manual.)

Amit Parmar (PMP)
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Consider the following scenarios and see how the Start Date changes

1) Activity is not started --------      Start=Early Start

                                                FInish = Early Finish

2)A ctivity has an actual start -----  Start=Actual Start  

                                                 Finish = Early Finish

3) Activity is Complete -              Start=Actual Start

                                               Finish = Actual Finish




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Andrew Podolny
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One addition, Ronald. Resources Leveling also affects start/finish dates.



moutaz aldeib
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Could you give me an example of that?



Ronald Winter
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Early Start dates are the result of the CPM calculation.  Start dates are a combination of Early Start and Actual Start dates.