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Applying Actual in Resource ..Resource Assignment querry Simple Basic

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John Peter
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Good Morning Every One

I have a very simple querry for you guys

Let assume

Activity  Duration  Resource Duration  

   A               20                    160hr (Put any resource )

 Than in go on General tab make %comp type to physical .Now in start the activity  give some physical percentage

Put 10 hours in  actual  f9  for 1st week

On second week Give some %com to physicalPut 40 hours in actual  

f9 for 2nd week  

When you check the activity spread sheet it show you 20 hours in last two weeks equally distributed

But we have done only 10 hours in first week and 30 hours in 2nd week

Any suggestions


Amit Parmar (PMP)
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Hi John,

As suggested by Greg, you need to use Financial Periods for the same. For more clarity check this link .




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Greg Horsfall
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John Peter,


In order to view correct past period actuals i.e 10h in first week and 30 hours in second week then you need to use Finacial Periods otherwise P6 will simply spread the total actual hours (40) over the two weeks evenly as you have found.

To do this you need to first have establioshed Financial Periods based on your reporting requirement.

Go to Admin->Financial Periods and create them (in your case weekly ones).

Then after every week after you have entered the actual hours you go to Tools-> Store Period Performance

What this does is take the value of "actual units this period" and store them in the financial period week.


Finanly to see the actuals spread correctly (10h in week 1, 30h in week 2) make sure you use time periods with Finacial Period/Week and the fields you are showing are the Period Actual Labor Units.

If you have already progressed your schedule for a few weeks, then you can refit the correct actuals into each of the financial periods by selecting the finacial period range in Edit->User Periods-> Application and then in your spreadsheet view making the columns (for each period) visible and manually editing them.

Tip: You may also find it easier each week to enter the actual units for that week in the "Actual this Period Labor Units" at either the activity level or the Resource Assign,ent Level.

Hope this assists...


Greg Horsfall - Fortior Global

Greg Horsfall
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John Peter,


In order to view correct past period actuals i.e 10h in first week and 30 hours in second week then you need to use Finacial Periods otherwise P6 will simply spread the total actual hours (40) over the two weeks evenly as you have found.

To do this you need to first have establioshed Financial Periods based on your reporting requirement.

Go to Admin->Financial Periods and create them (in your case weekly ones).

Then after every week after you have entered the actual hours you go to Tools-> Store Period Performance

What this does is take the value of "actual units this period" and store them in the financial period week.


Finanly to see the actuals spread correctly (10h in week 1, 30h in week 2) make sure you use time periods with Finacial Period/Week and the fields you are showing are the Period Actual Labor Units.

If you have already progressed your schedule for a few weeks, then you can refit the correct actuals into each of the financial periods by selecting the finacial period range in Edit->User Periods-> Application and then in your spreadsheet view making the columns (for each period) visible and manually editing them.

Tip: You may also find it easier each week to enter the actual units for that week in the "Actual this Period Labor Units" at either the activity level or the Resource Assign,ent Level.

Hope this assists...


Greg Horsfall - Fortior Global

Shah. HB
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Shah. HB
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AB Timo
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Hi Jahn,

When you update a schedule the if you are giving the % Completed Till Data date then No need to give the will automatically calculate the Remaining Hours According to your % Completed.



John Peter
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2 weeks 2 days to go and still not get the answere from my very simple question whats the point of this forum 
