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Changing Activity % Complete Back Zero and remove actuals

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Henry Chiu
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Hi Everyone,


I have encountered a problem in P6 update wherein I made a mistake for the previous week update. I want to change the percent complete of an activity back to zero and remove the actual date. The P6 wont allow me to change. Can somebody advise the steps to revert back the percent complete of an activity to zero percent and remove the actual date.




Mohammed Azharuddin
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Quick and easy way to remove actuals using only 1 Global Change.

Check out my article here

Zoltan Palffy
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my posting includes 2 global changes 

Rafael Davila
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I am not a P6 user but suggest you try either the Global Change approach or the Export/Import approach as per following link.

Also make sure you verify the durations as they migh have been changed after updatings.

Good Luck

Zoltan Palffy
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How to de-status a schedule1. Choose Enterprise, Projects and select the Calculations tab. Choose to "Link Budget andAt Completion for not started activities" and "Reset Remaining Duration and Units toOriginal2. Choose View, Columns and add the columns for Actual Labor Units, Actual NonlaborUnits.3. Choose Tools, Schedule and set the data date equal to the Project Start Date and schedule.To find the Project Start date, choose Enterprise, Projects. Click on the Dates tab andnote the Planned Start date.4. For the first activity in the list, set the Actual Labor Units to 0. Highlight the activities inthis column and choose Edit, Fill Down.5. For the first activity in the list, set the Actual Nonlabor Units to 0. Highlight the activitiesin this column and choose Edit, Fill Down.6. Choose Tools, Global Change and run the 1st Global Change. This will set the ActualMaterial Units to zero.7. Run the 2nd global change which sets the activity status to Not Started. 1st Global Change:Subject Area:  Activity Resource AssignmentsIf:      Where Resource Type           equals   MaterialThen:  Actual Material Units      =          0 2nd Global changeSubject Area: ActivitiesIf:Where Activity Status     is not equal to   Not StartedThen:  Activity Status     Equals              Not Started
Vishal Gourgonda
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Hi all...

is there any short cut to change all activity 'completed' to 'not started'?



Zoltan Palffy
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here is a link to the detailed instructions on how to do this

User offline. Last seen 10 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
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use following;

When activity Status   is not equal to     not started 


Actual labour units         equal to        zero

Actual non labour unit    equal to        zero

activity status                equa to         not started.


Always keep a copy of your origional project before applying the global change because it can not be undone.



Michael Jubilo
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Hi SM PUM, yes it will take years to remove actuals of thousands activities. What operation in global change should be done then?

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For Removing Actual you will have to apply global change.Removing actuals one by one will be waste of time

Michael Jubilo
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Hi gentlemen, how about changing % complete to zero and removing actuals for multiple activities in P6? I tried global change however I was not able to find the right operation. Perhaps someone knows the trick. TIA

Henry Chiu
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Zhang Ting,


Thanks a lot. Problem solved.



zhang ting
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First convert % complete to zero,and then change tick off “started”
Henry Chiu
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Hi Roland,


I did the same thing as I do in P3, unfortunately the same message appears "Cannot Set Status to Not Started if Activity Has Actuals". Is there something wrong in my settings or any options that I need to do just to clear this problem.



Henry Chiu
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Thanks for your reply, but one thing bothered me is I have an activity that is 20% complete with an actual start of 01 oct as an example. When I update the following week I noticed that I made a mistake on the activity that was updated, so I want to change the percent complete to zero and remove the tick in the actual start but a message will appear "Cannot Set Status to Not Started if Activity Has Actuals". I never encounter this problem in P3.


Gary Whitehead
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Just to add you have to do this in the right order -eg if you try and uncheck the stated box with the finished one still checked, you would get an error saying something like "activity cannot have an actual finish without an actual start"


Uncheck your finsh, then any % completees / actual durations / actual resources, then the start date.


Also,  double check the relationships to ensure doing this won't cause any OOS (out of equence) working

Roland Payawan
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Hi Henry,

Just go to the activity status, untick the STARTED and FINISHED date and put the Percent (%) back to zero and there you go.

Hope this wull do.
