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Remove Actual of a Cost-Loaded Schedule Upto a Particular Duration with Physical % Complete in P6

6 replies [Last post]
Nilesh Jain
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Hello Everyone,

I'm working on a claim job and I have a cost-loaded schedule with 12,000 activities and the start date of Jan 30, 2018. The schedule has the data date of December 31, 2018, and I would like to remove the actuals from July 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018, only along with the cost and physical % complete (only for the activities that are progressed between July 1, 18 to December 31, 18). I can manually remove them from the status option but it will be very tedious and possibility of errors. Does anyone know the easy to remove the actuals with the above-given scenario?

Your help is appreciated.


Nilesh Jain


Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help you 

Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help you 

Nilesh Jain
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Awesome. It worked.

Thanks for your help again.

Zoltan Palffy
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1. run the filter again annd acolumn for physical % complete do the 1st one set it to 0 and then do a fill down 

when you run the gloabl change also include the filter in the parapaters in the globla change if the start and end dates 

Nilesh Jain
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HI Zoltane,


I have tried this method, but following are the gliches that I came across and there this has not given me the accurate results:

1. Physical percentage doesn't change to zero, however, it remains the same as compared to the original schedule.

2. The global change removes the actuals of activities that are started earlier than July 2018 (that is becuase they might be completed between July 2018 to December 2018). However I want to capture the progress of activities started before July 2018.

I hope my explanation has lucid to understand the gliches in this method.


Do you have any other idea?

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Nilesh Jain

Zoltan Palffy
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1. Choose Enterprise, Projects and select the Calculations tab. Choose to "Link Budget and At Completion for not started activities" and "Reset Remaining Duration and Units to Original1.

2. create a filter


where actual start is within the range (low value) July 1, 2018 (high value) December 31, 2018


where actual finish is within the range (low value) July 1, 2018 (high value) December 31, 2018

2. Choose View, Columns and add the columns for Actual Labor Units, Actual Nonlabor Units.

3. For the first activity in the list, set the Actual Labor Units to 0. Highlight the activities in this column and choose Edit, Fill Down

4. For the first activity in the list, set the Actual Nonlabor Units to 0. Highlight the activities in this column and choose Edit, Fill Down.

5. run a global change 

1st Global Change

Subject Area:



where actual start is within the range (low value) July 1, 2018 (high value) December 31, 2018Where         



Activity Status                   is not equal to                  Not   Started

Then                                Activity Status                        =                                  Not Started

6. run another global change 

2nd Global Change

Subject Area:



where actual finish is within the range (low value) July 1, 2018 (high value) December 31, 2018



Activity Status                   is not equal to                  Not   Started

Then                                 Activity Status                            =                                  Not Started