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Filter the lag / lead

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A.Jaffer Sadiq
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anyone help me

“How to filter the lag / lead from the activities [Primavera P6.7]?

For that any filter or any logic,

I want know only each activity how much lag.

Because I have 17,000 and civil activity also with this, so I can’t go one by one.

by [jaffer]


Zoltan Palffy
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Chaneg inspector cam do all that you stated and only costs $99.00 much cheaper than Fuse.

Khuong Do
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I wrote this article to filter by relationship type, but you can add "Lag" column to filter by Lag value.


Raymond Au-Yeung
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Dear Jaffer,

There is no particular way to "filter" out lags or leads. It is because lags or leads are data in between activities. Hence in the Activity window, you cannot find "lags" or "leads". Proper ways to find are by using "reports" or "export/import" facilities.

Regards and Happy Reporting,
Raymond Au-Yeung

Mohamed Hegab
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Schedule Cracker ( provides what you are looking for.  We identify lag through relationships, filter them or group activities by lag and much more.  Our powerful tool allows you to compare multiple schedules, trend project-performance values, and forecast project performance, and much more.  You can export reports to excel, word, pdf, image, txt, and html.

Shah. HB
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Hi Jaffer


Export your program to excel with relationships and apply filter to it, might help you to check the lag period associated with each activities




Rafael Davila
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To make sure you understand each other, I am not looking for the case where an activity calendar changes from Calendar A to Calendar be but to changes in calendar exceptions, that is changes in holidays, work time, work week and the many attributes of each calendar.

About logic link calendar that would merely be if a link had assigned Calendar A and now it is assigned Calendar B can your software report on this specific change? Of course changes in calendar attributes would be reported as per previous paragraph.

I have no doubt about the capabilities of your team to include those values that P6 is not able to report other than on hidden screens that make it almost impossible to compare these values among versions. One of them is calendar details the other one is link details. Want to make sure none of the details are missing.

Your offer to show the capabilities of Fuse speak well of the company. Definitively I would recommend P6 users to explore Ron Winter Schedule Analyzer and Fuse and to at least use one, and perhaps both.

Best regards,


Jenn Weber
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Hi Rafael, 

I would argue that not any software can automatically identify changes across multiple versions (i.e. more than 2 versions) on any attribute (changes to float, location, activity duration, logic link, etc.) But to answer your question: Yes, Fuse can detect calendar changes on activities in the current version. As far changes to logic link calendars I can say... check back soon! I'm happy to answer additional questions about the software but it is probably more beneficial if we schedule a quick 30 minute webinar for me, or one of our representatives, to show you the capabilities of Fuse. Message me if you are interested in this. 



Rafael Davila
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Any software can identify changes, please be specific as to whether it can detect changes in calendar exceptions and link calendars. My question was too general, sorry.

One of many changes some software cannot report are calendar exceptions and perhaps link calendars, but in order to keep perspective and avoid a generalized answer I will limit my question to this pair of parameters, changes in calendar exceptions and changes in link calendars.

That it can filter for lag and compare changes in links makes it a valuable tool for P6 users, I am looking for parameters it might be missing as to avoid surprises. If a couple are missing I am sure your development team can solve it.

I am not a P6 user but some of my clients at times must use it when specified. I understand old versions of P6 cannot assign independent calendar to links but there are ways to overcome this limitation maybe by adding a dummy successor or predecessor. The question still remains because users of P6 shall be concerned on what is the calendar being applied to each link and especially about changes on the "inherited" calendar.

Best regards,


Jenn Weber
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Our software does compare multiple schedules or versions of the same schedule to identify changes.

Rafael Davila
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No doubt filtering for lag is of great value. But it does not stop there, you shall be able to compare file versions as to make sure you can pinpoint any unreported changes and be able to validate them.

A scheduler can change float values as well as calendar exceptions in order to trick a Delay Claim. That you are honest it does not mean others are not,  on million dollar jobs we cannot play the innocent or naive.

Does your software makes it easy to compare changed relationship values from different versions? If not you might consider adding such functionality.

One schedule version might show and activity relationship with a certain lag value, on next version it might be increased, decreased to 0 or even the full relationship eliminated.

Or perhaps the lag calendar is changed like in the case the scheduler changes  lag calendar previously set to be consecutive calendar days to a workday calendar of its own, different to successor and predecessor work day calendars. 

Best regards,


Jenn Weber
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Hi Mike, 

That is exactly where Fuse proves beneficial. Identifying any leads/lags that HAVE been used so that you can remove them to make sure the schedule adheres to your rules. 



Rafael Davila
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Relationships are what drive a CPM, if you cannot filter for them you are in big trouble.

You shall not only be concerned about lag values but also shall pay attention to links that can create "reverse logic" that is SF and FF links on activities with SS successors. Seems like many "want to be" schedulers are not aware of this. For others aware of this their software is so bad that finding the occurrences is not easy. If you perform serious CPM scheduling you need to be able to filter by any relationship property.

Of course there are other basic filter needs such as when you need to identify out-of-sequence occurrences or a broken links. On a 17,000 activities schedule, performing a schedule run every time you need to find and report out-of-sequence is kind of too much "brute force".

If you do not know what your relationships are then you are bar-charting. Hurry up and get software capable of filtering for relationship properties. Relationships is what makes the difference between bar chart and CPM, if you paid more than 50$ for your bar charting software spend 10x the amount in order to be able to filter for link properties.

Best regards,


Mike Testro
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Hi  Jenn

That looks like a great bit of kit but no use to me because on of my rules for best planning practice is NEVER use lead / lags except to demonstrate curing times.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Jenn Weber
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If you have 17,000 activities it might be faster to do this in our software, Fuse.  The logic analyzer will sort through all of the links and identify both lags and leads (negative lags) for you.  You could also create metrics to identify activities with a certain amount of lag.  For example, find all activities with a lag of 10 days, all activities with a lag between 10 and 20 days, etc.  You can request a trial version for 30 days at or I'd be happy to help walk you through the process.  


The image below shows the logic analyzer identifying all lags within 4 Primavera projects: 


Rafael Davila
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Lag is not a property of an activity per-se but a property of a link. Therefore in order to filter for lag preferably you need a links table and not an activity table. Such a table is available in few other software but not in P6. In such table window you shall be able to filter links by lag time/volume, %time/%volume as well as type SS/SF/FF/FS , driving or not driving, lag calendar, out-of-sequence links, soft or hard type, other types, time or volume lag, links UDF, ...

Yes CPM is about links, Bar Charts are not.

On a complex schedule filtering for lag by any of its attributes or a combination of attributes is a must have.

By the way resource lag is not the same as a link lag.

Same as P6, SureTrak does not have such a links table but I remember filtering for lag by organizing by successor/predecessor. I do not use P6 but maybe this can provide you with an indirect way, similar to SureTrak.

ST Filter

Andy Power
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I can't think of a way to filter lag in the activities window, but you can add lag as a column in the 'resource assignments' window ... maybe you can do what you want from there.  Depending on what you need to do with the information you can also export the relationship and lag details to Excel?