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Discontinuous Bars

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Ferdinand Ancheta
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After scheduling a project, some bars found out are Discontinuous. The progress (blue bar) stops at data date (time now) and a gap is shown between them with the current bar (remaining work). I was informed by Primavera Australia that the reason a bar is having a gap or a Discontinuous Bar is because of its link/relationship that makes the bar to be pushed thru if it is Finish to Finish relationship. Is this true? In addition, i don't think that is practical to show that the bar should be cut-off and build a gap between a progress and remaining work. It is not good to show in the gantt chart that a bar is a Discontinuous. Can you please advise what actions to be made to show all the bars (in-progress) as Continuous Bars showing their progress and remaining work.

Many thanks.


Zoltan Palffy
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2 solutions

1. change the data date TIME to 8:00 am

2. go to bars and select the actual work bar and change the timescale to current Current bar

Khuong Do
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Hi there,

I wrote an article named How to remove the gap between actual bar and remaining bar in schedule update in Primavera P6.

I believe that it can solve your issue. Kindly refer to this link :



Ismat fakhouri
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i tried all the solutions that you mentioned but unfortunately non of them work with me i do not know why!! ,i searched about all possible solutions but no use, so kindly please if any body has another solution can help me to solve this problem (discontinuous bars)...

thanks for all

Amit Parmar (PMP)
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You will get a discontinous bar, if you are using "Retained Logic" while scheduling your project and some of the activties do not follow the planned logic and work out of sequence. Try using "Progress override" and you will see that discountinuity will go away. For a more detailed description of what each of these options mean check the following link .


Amit Parmar

Ferdinand Ancheta
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thanks for all the responses. Different solutions but it works ! cheers...

Sadiq Shaik
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I hope this might solve your issue of discontinious bars 

1) Select view bars

2) Highlight the Actual Bar and change the Time Scale from Actual Bar to Current Bar

3) Select ok

4) Actual Bar now Stretches form the Actual Start to the "Remaining Early Start"

Now the Progress will be based on Remaining Duration.


Arnold Puy
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Hi Ferdinand,

I agree with them, however if you don't want to do what they have suggested which is actually true, then you can perform some tricks here. Try to create a new bar --> Timescale "Current", Filter "In Progress".

Best regards,


Gary Whitehead
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Long answer:

This will happen for one of two reasons:

1) You have eg an activity with only a single FF predecessor, an actual start date, and the remaining duration is less than the difference between the data date and the early finish (which is constrained by the FF predecessor). The activity has started, it can't finish before a certain date and there isn't enough duration to cover the gap.

To fix this: Correct the relationships, remaining duration, data date or actual start date. Or if all these are correct, leave it alone.

2) You have OOS (Out of Sequence) working and are scheduling using the retained logic option. eg Activity B has a single FS(0) predecessor from Activity A. Activity B has an actual start and progress applied but Activity A has not yet finished (OOS working). The retained logic option says in this circumstance that the remaining duration of activity B should be delayed until after Activity A has finished, which will create a gap in the time bar.

To fix this: correct the relationships (this is good practise to do anyway). Or if you are lazy, just change your scheduling options from 'retained logic' to 'progress overide'.


Short answer:

Correct the relationships.

Anoon Iimos
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in my experience, the gap is caused by the following:

1. Timescale - I supposed P6 calculates in hours or in minutes; Try showing your timescale in Days.

2. Time period settings or working hours - if you're using 8 hours or 10 hours per day, then there's a big gap, as you know one day is 24 hours. Try to use 24 hours per day work period.

3. Out-of-sequence activities - quite difficult to explain...I leave this up to others

oh, by the way, don't forget weekends and holidays, these creates a very long gap

Daniel Limson
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BTW, this can also happen in FS relationship, for example, activity A has a FS relationship with Ativity B. If activity B started before activity A then you will have the same situation.



Daniel Limson
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The information given by Primavera Australia is true, check your links/relationship and check if the original logic is still true especially on SS and FF relationships (check lags). This happens when an activity is not yet supposed to start as originally anticipated or planned but has actually started early.

