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How to "Re-Baseline" Earned Value Calculations

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Ryan Rowland
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I am working on a project that requires the Schedule Variance Index show 24% or less behind or the contractor could be placed in delinquencey and temporaily banned from bidding future work in the state. The contractor is scheduled to finish by their contractual completion date, but they are still showing 24% behind with their Earned Value. Is there a way to zero the earned value and rebaseline their future costs?


R. Catalan
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Gary has given you the best advise.

Also, you can use Global Change to reduce the cost allocation by 24% to all completed/in-progress activities, and increase by 24% to all not started activities.


Kind regards,

R. Catalan

Ferdinand U.
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There is no way you can make the sched variance zero in a rebaseline programme in p6 unless you will use UDF

because sched % complete recalculates the planned % based on actual duration + remaining duration

i am also interested if someone has a solution to this

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline

There are many ways you can manipulate P6 to give you a better schedule variance and thus avoid contract penalties.

You could open the baseline project, increase the budget costs of those activities you completed on time or early, and reduce the budget costs of those activities which are late.

Or you could just delete from the baseline all activities that are late.

Or you could take a copy of your current programme and make that the baseline

Or you could just create a user field, call it "schedule variance index" and put whatever number you want in there.


But without the client's agreement, doing any of these things would be fraudulent.

Ryan Rowland
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The contractor has restored their actual schedule to the contractual completion date, their Schedule Variance Index of the Earned Value Calculations is still showing 26% behind on cost. My question is their a way in Primavera P6 to realocate their cost that are "behind" to make Planned Value Cost, Earned Value Cost and Actual Cost to match for their "Rebaselined Schedule"

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline

Only by agreement with the client.

If some or all of the poor schedule variance is down to client-driven changes or delays, they should agree to a revised baseline. But don't expect to be able to rebaseline away genuine contractor delay.

Check your contract. -there should be clauses relating to change control and rebaselining.