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Re-Baseline Schedule

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Rifky Soedirdja
User offline. Last seen 7 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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I am currently in progress to Re-Baseline the schedule using data date 25Jun-10 as a cut off date. The schedule is already Units and Cost loaded respectively. I used Price/unit = $1/h, so Units is equal to Cost for this case.

So, as of 25-Jun, status of schedule is as follow :
Total Budgets Units & Cost = 447,076
Actual Units & Cost = 140,105
Units % Complete = 31.34%

But why schedule % complete is still showing 33.57%. How to make this schedule % complete is equal to Units/Cost % complete? I believe when we want to Re-Baseline schedule, all the Plan figures should be reset to the current status (Variance between Current % - Plan% = 0.00%). In this case Current progress is 31.34%.

Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.




Rodel Marasigan
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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It is normal that Plan budget unit is not equal to actual unit. Even if you modified the baseline it will only equal to Earned Value but not the actual. Plan value will use proportion of budget unit up to data date except it resource curve is assigned because it will follow the proportion of resource curve. Actual unit is a proportion of actual unit entered but not always equivalent to earned value except if you use apply actual when updating the schedule. Apply actual function will use plan values = actual values = earned values.

If you need actual values to be the same as planned values then modify you actual value using global change.
Unit % complete = Schedule % complete

Best Regards,
Rifky Soedirdja
User offline. Last seen 7 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Izam,
How did you fix it from excel? What kind of filters did you choose when exporting to excel? I believe we have to fix the Original Plan Budget Mhrs so that similar to the Mhrs that has been earned as of 25-Jun.

If that’s the case, we have to change the budget labor from original plan FOR EACH PERIOD similar as Mhrs Earned for that period, starting from Project started until 25-Jun, am I right? How can we do this via export and import tools from P6?


Izam Zakaria
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That things happen if u did some error on the past updating schedule or you overlook some of function there.

I faced this last three months ago, and what I did I revised via excell spreadsheet and it’s done successful.

Extract new mhrs(total), spent mhrs and remaining mhrs and further direct import back to P6.
Rifky Soedirdja
User offline. Last seen 7 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Rodel,
Yes, I understand that. Right now we are behind the Original plan, that’s why we want to Re-baseline the schedule. We should achieve 150,104 mhrs as per the Original Plan, but we only achieved 140,105 mhrs. I’ve done the global change so the baseline is now align with the current schedule. Planned dates is exactly the same as the current dates.

But I am still wondering, why the Budget Labor still referring to the Old Plan? In this case Cum Plan manhours to achieve as of 25-Jun is still showing 150,104 mhrs. When we Re-Baseline the schedule, the Plan should be equal to the current status, doesn’t it? So, actually I am expecting that manhours to achieve as of 25-Jun is also 140,105 mhrs NOT 150,104 mhrs.


Rodel Marasigan
User offline. Last seen 17 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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It seems that your current schedule is behind. P6 baseline always use planned date and not current date. If you want to re-baseline using current date you have to update planned date on your baseline. See below link for solution.
How to set Baseline- After revised the Schedule and to - Post#2