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non uniform activity cost loading

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Syed Faisal Hashmi
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Dear Friends,

I have prepared a cost loaded P-6 Program. In the program I loaded the cost of each activity from the BOQ price. I put the cost of each activity in the budgeted cost (in expenses, in the activity detail tab).

My Manager wants that, for certain activities the cost loading should be linear or some polynomial and not uniform over the activity (actually the accrual type in budgeted cost are only- uniform over activity, End of activity, start of activity).

The idea of my Manager is to have a comparison curve (S-curve) between the actual amounts of work done at site (from the price of the activity in the BOQ. This amount is to be invoiced) and the Planned amount of work  (this is also based on only the BOQ price).

So please help me in

 (1) How I can get linear cost loading against the activities instead of uniform over the activity?

(2) Am I putting at the right places the cost of activities (i.e. in the budgeted cost) or i need to put the BOQ prices of the activities at some other place?

(3) Is there any better way to achieve the objective of preparing the comparison curve?

I am  new to primavera software.


Thanks and Regards


Faisal Hashmi

I am very new to primavera software.


Jerome Soriano
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Dear Faisal,

Shareef is right, you can assign different "resource curve" in the same resource in each activity. You can find it in Activity Detail>Resource>Curve in P6. Under the column "curve", you can select the predefined curves for your resource. You can also define resource curves in Enterprise>Resource Curves - wether u want it to be linear, triangular, bell-shaped, trapezoidal or any cost distribution.



Syed Faisal Hashmi
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Thanks Gautam

Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hello Faisal,


You could create one resource named BOQ (as labour type) or you could further classify as (i) BOQL (Labour) (ii) BOQP (Plant) (iii) BOQM (Material)(ALL LABOUR TYPE as we are just concerned with the cost, as such the classification as Labour / Non Labour is not important here); and then apply to corresponding activities.

Set Price/ Unit as 1$/h and then enter the Budgeted Quantity (which would be equal to your activity cost).

This method if done properly could give you required accuracy.


This is the lowest (& quickest) form of tracking. The right method would be to load major resources and set individual Price/unit and budgeted quantities.



Best Regards

Shareef A Azeez

Syed Faisal Hashmi
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Dear Shareef,

(1) What type of 'resource type' should i take to put the price of the activity from the BOQ? Should i make a non-labor resource type (and name it as BOQ price) and then put the BOQ price there.

(2) I do not want to put the quantities of materials instead want to to put only the price from BOQ for each activity. For any particular activity (of the program), i can sort out from the BOQ that which items constitute that particular activity. So we know how much we are getting from the client for that particular activity.

For Example, there is an activity name in my   P-6 program as  'construction of suspended slab' and i have a BOQ price for it. Now my objective is to put the BOQ price of this activity as 'non-uniformly distrubuted over the activity' (like a second order polynomial or linealy increase) and not the uniform over the activity.



Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hello Faisal,

Create  resources and assign budgeted quantities.You can then assign curves to the activities to handle non linear distribution.

Resources are different than expenses. While some resources are time-based and generally extend across multiple activities and projects, expenses are one-time expenditures for nonreusable items required by activities.


Best regards

Shareef A Azeez

Gautam Kumtakar
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Hi Faisal,

I guess your manager is right, i tried to get the cash flow in a uniform fashion and ran into trouble as the project never follows an uniform costing. What i did was to get the BoQ cost and L2 schedule, which i am sure available with you, and tried to get the total tonnage of material and other costs. This i do it in excel and then transfer the cost to P6 as per spending plan.

Doing an WBS analysis over L2 and then estimating the quantum of work gives the S-curve and as far as i can tell this is the best way of comparison with actuals and schedule of cash flow.

If someone else has a better method we can still learn...


Gautam VK