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Show number of resoures in activity column

6 replies [Last post]
Vaughn Edwards
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Posts: 16
I have looked everywhere to create a column in P6 to show the number of resources assigned to an activity. I know P3 used units of time to show this, but can’t find what to use in P6. Can this be done???


Rodel Marasigan
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Sorry for misunderstanding as you mentioned columns and not label. If label you wanted as per Roger advise use UDF and populate using Global Change then assigned to a bar. You can always run Global Change to update if resources change.

Hope this help.
Vaughn Edwards
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I understand how to get Budgeted Unit/Time to appear in the Activity and Resource windows, what I’m looking to do is see a column in the Gantt view of the number of resources assigned to that activity.
Rodel Marasigan
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If using Resource Window, right click and select columns-> Customize.
Under General you can select Budget Unit/Time and Remaining Unit/Time.

If using Activity Window select Resources tab. Right click on Resources table and select Customize Resource Columns. Under General select Budget Unit/Time and Remaining Unit/Time.
Roger Booth
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I use one of the user defined fields and then attach that UDF to the bar. Gives you a display very similar to dare I say Microsoft Project
Vaughn Edwards
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Thanks for your reply. I have found the number of resources under the resource and activity windows, but the budgeted Unit/Time isn’t available to choose to inset a column. Thats my problem.
Rodel Marasigan
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It is now on Resource Window (P3 don’t have before) and called Budgeted Unit/Time for Budget units and Remaining Unit/Time for Remaining Unit. It is also available on Activity Window Detail-> Resource tab.