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Unable to connect to database

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herbert tanaquin
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Im using P6.7v in stand alone mode.Many times i encounter when i log in is "Unable to connect to the database".What i do is to uninstall and reinstall the program

Please explain to me why it happens and how to solve this issue.

Many thanks


Mazura Maarof
User offline. Last seen 4 years 51 weeks ago. Offline

im having that kind of problem too.. even my friend suggest me to restart ...but it didnt happen.

Then i find the solution from this link.


The first method doesnt work as i already click "Yes".

Then i followed the second method and it works. 

Thanks. You save my life (read: work  :-) )

Kannan CP
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sometimes restaring your computer will solve the issue. its my personal experience.



Ahmed Ali Memon
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Dear Planners,


I am haveing same problem .. when I try to login I receive Message "Unable to connect to the database.  Would you like to configure the database connection now?" when I go for database cofiguration in the end I receive log on Failure ..

I dont want to uninstall primavera, because I will lost all data all projects ...HOw can I solve this issue without formatting or uninstall ..



Please help me ..





Ahmed Ali

Abubaker Ali
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Thanks Nathaniel Cagara it solves the issue, I have been facing the same problem and using the same method of uninstall and reinstall again, Thanks allot man


Nathaniel Cagara
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depends on the database configuration, either of these steps may work.


Step A.

go to 'All Programs'' --> 'Microsoft SQL Server' --> 'Configuration Tools' --> 'SQL Server Configuration Manager'
SQL Server Config Mngr window will open. In the right hand site of the window you will see different data bases. Right Click on the SQL Server 'Primavera' and click 'start'.
Then try again to log in in Primavera.




Step B

go to 'All Programs'' --> 'Oracle Database 10g Express Edition' then click 'Start Database'

Then try again to login in Primavera.

Rafael Davila
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If you post into Amazon your P6 license for sale after 20 install trials I would still be willing to offer 4,000 Zambian Kwatcha ngwees for it.

Remember to divide by 100 the result as an ngwee is 1/100th of a Zambian Kwatcha. Not a single more ngewee, this is my final offer.

Best Regards,
Roger Booth
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DOH, just seen all the other posts. oooer
Roger Booth
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I think Mike, if anyone suggested to me Format/C, I would think twice. When I worked over in the States there was one smart alec who, whenever someone had a problem said Format/C. One day we were going to do it, just to leave him the mess to sort out. Hope you get your machine working soon :-(
Axel Quezon
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This procedure was given of my friend Arnold Puy when I incounter this problem. This guy helps me a lot every time I counter problem in P6.This procedure is tested coz on that day I fixed two PC with same problem.


Rafael Davila
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I believe your answer is the solution, less bad than having to re-format the hard disk, the problem is what the entire specific registry values to be deleted are, no one would like to find unable to use the computer back and reformat the disk unless done purposely.

The solution will finally be reached when a listing of all files, folders and specific registry values are disclosed for all operating systems even when it still can be risky for some users.
It should not be a long document it is just no one up to date has provided us with such guidance. Perhaps there are some uninstall utilities that will do this for you in a safe way.

It is incredible P6 does not provide for a complete uninstall that will solve the issue without creating problems with the operating system or any other software.

My recommendation would be after 10 to 20 re-install trials just give it up and move to something better.

Best Regards,
Axel Quezon
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Hi Guys,

Recently I incountered that problem with my PC I cant connect to Data Base.

What we did is to uninstalled P6,MS SQL in control panel, erase all folder of P6,Microsoft SQLServer, MSSQL in program file in C, open registry editor delete all primavera and sql folder but be carefull once you got a mistake you need to reformat your PC. Once you done,try to installed P6 again it will works. If you incountered same problem repeat the procedure again.

Best Regard,

Rafael Davila
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Did you tried last resort of formatting your hard disk and reinstalling all again or is your problem already solved?

How do you fix the installation issue?

Best Regards,
Rodel Marasigan
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I’m trying to understand your problem in installing P6. It should be simple and Wizard does it automatically.

If you previously installed P6 and trying to upgrade it should be the same by selecting Standalone for Standalone installation and P6 Client Application for having database on the server.

Please elaborate your installation problem and I might be able to help. I don’t believed on Format/C is the solution except if the system is corrupt and need to format.

Best Regards,
Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

Ok - I was trying a wind up but you didn’t respond properly.

Better luck next time.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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One of the most basic procedures in any computer is formatting a disk, this must be done whenever you want to use a hard disk or a removable media, and even CDs must be formatted although usually come pre-formatted.

Because formatting a hard disk "erases" all data there is no operating system that does not warns you about it, they all do in plain English. Having to format your computer once every other year is not uncommon if you install and uninstall software very frequently, but every week is quite a task.

If you formatted your hard disk without any backup, you will lose data between your last external backup and the day you formatted your disk. If there is many valuable data then a data recovery service can recover most of the data, they do even on partially damaged disks.

Backup is a basic must do even before installing new software. Because hard disk failure do happen backing-up your data once a week is a basic recommended practice, every computer user must know this.

Best Regards,
Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

You never said anything about backing up.

I am having to use my laptop to send emails.

Nothing works - what has happened?

Desperately yours

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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I it is a desperate measure but maybe is a registry issue, and a sure way to erase the registry values that create the issue is to format the hard disk.

Once the data is backed-up and you are ready to format the disk you might try to erase a few registry values that can be the root of the problem. Look on internet how to “manually” delete the database software, believe MSQL 2005, along with the registry values that create the problem.

Remember, again, to backup and have all software necessary to recover your operating system, drivers and data.

Last time I had a similar problem with ODBC drivers when using these to transfer data between P3 and Excel the only way I could install back P3/SureTrak was by formatting the hard disk. I do not like Primavera software because because of the issues with the registry, is just bad design and bad database selection for the needs of the application. It is a fallacy that CPM software works better if updating is done on line, it is always a batch process when you run schedule update, not as if Bank account transactions, even some Bank transactions are run in batch.

Before anything, double-check on this suggestion with the "experts".

Good luck,
Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

Thank you for the wise advice.

I have no idea what Format/C will do to solve my problem but I am so desperate I am willing to try anything.

I will let you know in an hour or so how it went.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Rafael Davila
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I told you it is easy, Format/C. If it does not work then it must be you. After formatting C several times you will get good at it, it should be no problem as long as it is only once a week.

Best Regards,

Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hi Rafel

Trust me its not that easy with P6.

I had the same problem and this occurs when the SQL server is not installed properly. I had this software with me for the last 1 year but only recently I managed to install this.

I had to format my computer for the SQL server to install.

At my office SQL server installed but I could not still connect and I made manual connection using the steps Anbin stated below.

But to my luck on my home PC P6 installed directly but I had to format my PC prior to install for this as well.
Rafael Davila
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Suggest you call ORACLE/Primavera Support, and then in no time your problems will be a thing of the past. Even when I tried Asta PP demo the answers would come in no less than a few hours for free, same as with Spider Project, I cannot see why ORACLE response would be different, just try it.

Come on Mike at least try with the easiest installation of all, a standalone installation, very simple. I cannot understand why such a silly question regarding P6 is so common. A standalone installation should be flawless and take no more than 3 minutes. No one who cannot even make a basic installation of his software should be into this business. If you were not self-employed, your boss and co-workers would laugh at you, something has to be wrong with you; I cannot see any other reason why you cannot make a simple install.

Best Regards,
herbert tanaquin
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Thanks.ill already try your instruction but when i reach the system DSN i didnt see primavera 6 there.

@Mike If somebody will tell you exactly what is going on this issue please tell me also.thanks.

Anbin Ponnith
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U can also Try to Configure ur Database
Start->ControlPanel->Administrative tool->Data source(ODBC)-> System DSN->Primavera P6->Configure->Create Databse Alias-Select Driver Type Box Appear
Select Microsoft SQl Server
Configure SQL Server Connection Box Appear
Host name Type->(Computername\Primavera)
Database Name->pmdb$primavera
Click Next
Enter Public login Information Box Appear
User name Type->pubuser
password ->pubuser
Public group id->1
Click Next

Your database will be get configured.
But this can be done only if u have SQL Server Installed.



Mike Testro
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Hi Herbert

I have the same problem - I don’t know how to solve it but I hope someone can - that is why I have logged on to this thread.

Best regards

Mike Testro