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Problems in cost loading in Excel sheet

2 replies [Last post]
Haresh Jayanth
User offline. Last seen 7 years 1 week ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2006
Posts: 219
1) I want to export P6 files into excel and then cost load in excel sheet. Since WBS headings are not exported in Excel i am finding it difficult to export.....Any solution to export primavera files along with WBS and again to import back..

2) When i export my primavera program i got 5 sheets i.e. RSRC , TASKRSRC,PROJCOST,TASK & USERDATA. But when i tried to load cost under particular resources in Budget column and then import back , my cost are not reflected in P6. it shows "Zero value" . So what is the solution to import cost in Budgeted cost column under particular resource in excel and then import in P6.

Kindly guide on above two issues......


Ferdinand U.
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uncheck cost linked or use global change first
Rodel Marasigan
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You can include WBS name when you export data into excel. When you run the export-> spreadsheet-(xls) and reached select template, click modify and select WBS name under general. There is a forum that I explain how to import cost into Primavera using export/import spreadsheet-(xls). I believed either Option 2 or 3 is appropriate for you to use. Instead duration use your estimated cost.

Duration Percent Complete Post #3