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Out of Sequence activities

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Salman Ahmed
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Hi all,

how to deal with Out of Sequence activities.

I received a schdl from my subcon, when I saw the schedule log there are more than a 500 activities which are shown as out of sequence.

Changing the relationships is only the option?
many successor activities are 100% done, preds. have are at 10,20,30% copletes.

Thanks in advance.


Andrey Borisovich
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Gents, I see this converstaion was many years ago...But anyway I would like to express my opinion regarding this matter

I do completely disagree with Mike Testro's comments like "plan was wrong". I am several years in Construction Field and ..look..never ever..really never... I saw the Project is going exactly as per initial plan. At least the Client requested once to Re-Baseline Schedule or to put a Recovery Plan instead of...but never it goes as per Baseline Schedule. Construction always has exuses at least several during the project) Starting from Procurement Section ( I faced up with this every time!) and untill the commissioning phase. 

Activities sequence can changed easily and priority will be given to that activities which could be done at the certain moment. That's become a reason to have many of out-of-sequence activities in the schedule. Usually the Client requested to re-assign correct links among affected activties, but it is not many and it could be easily rectified. The main target - do not have a downtime and continue to work without stopping. 


Rafael Davila
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Good scheduling practice call for all out-of-sequence be corrected and explained, too many occurrences definitively makes you wonder about the validity of the schedule.

If this ocurrence is to be repeated in the future, the scheduler should adjust logic of other activities that are expected to be eventually impacted in a similar way and should explain this in the narrative, at times it will reduce predicted contract duration and at times will increase the predicted job duration. Yes I know, in theory, but here it is a contractual requirement to make the adjustments, though not always enforced.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

To my mind it is very simple - if the guys on site find a better way of doing things it is because the planner didn’t think of it first.

Nothing wrong with that - we are all fallible and even I get it wrong from time to time - such as the last time in 1967 when I sent out a crew of decorators to paint the wrong fire station.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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If you have out-of-sequence working it does not necessarily means it is a planning error, it is common when you plan to avoid too many people working at the same time on the same place and then during the course of the job you find out it is convenient to reduce the waiting time. Life and construction works are complicated, pretending to model such with only FS relationships is a utopia.

The contractor is free to make his plans wether you like it or not some assumptions are arbitrary.

Best regards,
Mike Testro
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Hi Rafael

My first task as a delay analyst is to interogate the original baseline programme for programming flaws - and I have not come across one yet that was not defective - sometimes fatally so.

Contractor’s hate this process - particularly the responsible planner - but there is no easy way to tell a mother that she has an ugly baby.

I was once reveiwing a programme in the presence of the company Managing Director - I asked him "What idiot drew this programme".

He replied "I did" - and we went on from there.

I repeat that if you have out-of-sequence working then the original programme was logically wrong.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Rafael Davila
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It means you are starting some activity ahead of scheduled logic and in order to do so some previous rule was broken, it means a change in the logic rules, and the Owner is in his right to be informed while the Contractor keeps the means and methods. The forensic analyst cannot accept you can change course and be dynamic in response to what is actually happening. If out-of-schedule occurence is good then do it, don’t delay the start of an activity because originally it was not planned to happen in this way.

Hey many analyst pretend to make a case based on the initial Baseline Schedule, come on.

Best regards,
Anoon Iimos
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Hi Rafael,

As you know, out-of-sequence can only occur, once you update your schedule.

When you’re using spotlight, I believe that at first glance of your schedule, you can surely identify what are the activities to be done or as scheduled (lookahead).

So at this stage (before actual executions), you can surely prevent the occurence(s) of out-of-sequence.

So why let this thing happen? (considering that you have a proper schedule)

Best regards
Rafael Davila
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It is a Finish to Start relationship as shown in the small screen capture of the links view just below the screen capture of the Gantt; of course because of space a lot of columns displaying links properties are not shown. If on a 2 activities schedule link lines are confusing imagine links between activities spanning several pages, impossible. This is why I usually toggle off link lines display and go to the links view where all logic is tabulated and can be sorter or filtered as you need; to follow logic on hundreds of activities using Gantt and even PERT diagrams is impractical.

Is broken means that the link is out of sequence. This display tell you specifically which link is broken, especially useful when multiple links exists, even might happen that all links be out of sequence.

The sample is kind of uncommon but an overlap at the end of the predecessor with the start of the successor can be more common.

Best regards
Anoon Iimos
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Hi Rafael,

I can’t really understand your example, and I don’t know how you did it, it looks like the bars have a Start-to-Start relationship?

As regards lags, I mean only + lag(s) - if any, otherwise, avoid lags as well.

Acts of God, is an act that humans can never control, and if it happens, so be it, and that’s a different story.

Schedules are prepared by humans (as to their best knowledge), and that is 100% logic driven as for humans only (considering unknown acts of God).

And I guess nobody is scheduling something and at the same time anticipating that what he had done will be ruined a certain period after?

Best regards
Rafael Davila
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Whether we like it or not all planning activities are driven by strict logic, in true planning many decisions are arbitrary, the most common is the value of lag. Many times we plan to wait some arbitrary time to start the next activity rolling it up just hides the true arbitrary nature. Most of our out-of-sequence occurrences happen to fall within this category, we planned to wait 5 days and latter we opted for 3 days, a solution Asta did not automate.

That a schedule is 100% supposed to be logic driven is a myth the forensic analyst cannot accept. Can you schedule for Acts of God events? Even logic is dynamic.

About FS eliminating all out-of-sequence is wrong, just look at the following two activities schedule, FS only logic means out-of-sequence will be only on FS links while without this restriction it can happen at any other type of link that can be specifically identified by your software allowing you to filter for it for your use and reporting.

OOS r1

Best regards,
Anoon Iimos
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Hi Rafael,

I fully agree with Mike’s "FS only solution", this can illiminate out-of-sequence occurences.

But as you know, this can be very difficult when applying to Engineering and Procurement activities, which I believe the root of all out-of-sequence occurences.

In Construction activities (given a complete Engineering data), when you go out-of-sequence, it is obvious that the Plan is wrong or not properly or expertly prepared.

In my opinion, "out-of-sequence" will best serve as a warning device only, and not to be "overriden" (to be taken out as an option). If "out-of-sequence" goes out of your screen, then it simply says that your schedule is wrong!

I will go for Retained Logic only and Finish-to-Start only.

After all, a Schedule is supposed to be logic driven.


Rafael Davila
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Out-of-sequence is a problem to be solved by a revision of the logic, useful when the faulty logic still have impact on the schedule.

There are many solutions available the two most common are:
1-     Adjusting planned “lag”.
2-     Splitting the activity and re arranging logic which can be in different ways.
But the solutions must represent true plan and should be justified within the submitted update narrative.

There is software called Powerproject that provides a programmed application of the second option, the problem is you can make it to be automatic as if the only solution, and this is a wrong assumption. I would challenge Asta to keep this solution but to be applied manually to individual ocurrence when the scheduler determines this represent true plan, I would challenge them to add the first option to the tool set and perhaps a few other, this can become a functionality for others to follow and perhaps schedulers will start following good practice and start solving the issues on out-of-sequence in due time.

500 out-of-sequence occurrences, too many, agree something must be wrong.

About mimicking resource dependencies by creating static logic links is wrong, true resource dependencies are dynamic and are constantly changing. These static links will prevent the software to un-level the schedule and perform true resource leveling. This is so that some of our specs explicitly prohibit the use of these links.
Anoon Iimos
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Hi Mike,

I agree, but not to the point that to use only one kind of resource (you know that there’s no such thing).

Whatever you call it (maybe man-hours), it is not a resource but a unit of measure.

Com’on it’s year 2010, and you’re not changing your method.

We (from the younger generation), wanted to see some real resource scheduling thing!

Best regards
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Mike,

Allow me to add one small comment since they do not have an approved schedule.

The previous work has to be agreed upon mutually. The balance works will form your new schedule.

With kind regards,

Mike Testro
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Hi Anoon

The answer is both.

1. Draw up the logical sequence assuming unlimited resources - by using only FS bottom up programming the choice of sequencing is strictly limited as to which trade can follow the previous.

2. Adjust the logic to account for resource avaliablity and/or work front congestion - since there is only one resource for each task this is relatively simple.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Anoon Iimos
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Hi Mike,

"the Plan is wrong" - for me this is a question mark (?)

How can you say that the Plan is wrong? You have your own Plan, and I guess everyone has its own Plan.

So how can you say that my Plan is wrong?

I supposed this makes Planning becomes complicated, because of the differences in "logic(s)" and maybe beliefs, culture, and even feelings (as they said).

So what if, you’ll be using only one reference for your logic driven schedule, what would that be?

1. practical activity sequencing (considering unlimited resources - or tailored resources);

2. or resource driven schedule (considering limited resources)?

Best regards
Mike Testro
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Hi Anoon

You missed the most obvious reason - the Plan was wrong.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Anoon Iimos
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"Out of Sequence Activities" - a result of executing the works without following the logic as planned.

If you have more that 500 activities out-of-sequenced, then that means that the execution team never followed your plan, or maybe they don’t have a copy of your plan, or they simply have their own plan (which is completely different from yours).

1. What are the activities that most probably can become out-of-sequence?

2. Or on which stage of a project, activities are inclined to become out-of-sequence? (considering an EPC project).

3. Is an ideal schedule need to be a logic driven schedule?

4. Is there any schedule that is not logic driven?

5. What is most important, or what would be the reference?

Logic driven schedule or Resource driven schedule (or this has to work in parallel?)
Arnold Puy
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