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Resource Team in P6V7

9 replies [Last post]
Luca Basile
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Is there any one can help me?

I would like to define resource team in P6V7 to use with P6Web but I am not able to find how to do it.



Luca Basile
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In P6 Web tool, you go under the Resource Heading and select Manage Team.
You can then define the resoruce team as you wish and use it for dashboard presentation and high level resoruce planning using the P6 web what-if enhanced capacity.

Is a great tool. I just start to have a look at it, and it is worth it.

Mai Tawfeq
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dear :

can u tell us how ?

Luca Basile
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I found it

It can be defined in P6 web tool

is not a client/server funcionality

Mai Tawfeq
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Dear luca:

I do not know if I understood u but if u r going to manage resources through resources can’t be u have to manage recourses through OBS . THIS WHAT DID U MEAN OR STILL NOT?

Luca Basile
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I may have been miss-understood
I know how to assign resource.
In P6 Web tool there is an applet that allow to manage resoruce assignment by resoruce as well as by resource group
I tried the roles, but it is not recognised as a resoruce group.

Could please advice if you know how to assign a pool of resource as a resource group/team?

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Luca,

You open the file and then go the the activities button on thee menu on your left and then you start adding Resources on the menu on your right.

Or you go the each activity and highligth it then you add the Resource that you want.

With kind regards,

Luca Basile
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is not quiet what I was asking

with P6 Web you can display resource teams, but I am not able to create them.

Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Luca,

When you open your new project, you define the "Access Mode", the lowest menu on the Open project. You have three options: Exclusive, Sharee, and read only. If you double click on the project, then you will open up the default.

With kind regards,
