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Component parts selection and hospital project s

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chris eaglen
User offline. Last seen 13 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
When working in vehicle engineering years ago we designed parts for new vehicles first. The design was done with manufacturers of components we did not make but would accept for assembly into the vehicle.

I now realise from the work done on the hospitals that the parts selectors are somewhat different from some of the material selection ie a cieling panel being specific with fixings and accepting other items such as lights and cement which of a type will not be noticeable different if from one cement manufacturere or another.

The planners may have little focus on parts assembly operations. Planners refer to the work and work breakdown structure or activity ID.

In addition the lean approach can minimise the level of planning and parts selection resources the opposite of what is required.

I do believe that inverting the architectural role also can lead to the selection being after the allocation of the activity and work time assessments.

We can see the difference with some offsite areas but as Ali suggested some time ago the building site in a shed also occurs.

Being smart at thinking through how to use the Barbours parts lists and the clustering of the parts into larger configurations is required if the planning schedulers want to limit the numbers of activities to several hundred of several thousands.

Worthwhile considering how this can be improved.

Barbours product search provides visual and company data but little is referenced to specific projects. If this was achieved then the planner would have a set of parts forming assemblies and could relate these to WBS and Activity IDs.

Has anyone evolved to this degree of detail to enable the on site work to be as effective as some offsite manufacturing is becoming please.

Planning with the project planning tools are not providing the range of analysis and build up to become very efficient in assembly of such complex facilities as hospitals.

What can be done?

Thank you
Best regards
Chris Eaglen


Samer Zawaydeh
User offline. Last seen 5 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Aug 2008
Posts: 1664
Dear Chris,

You want to build a hospital or model an ongoing hospital. Operations and Projects are two different issues although they are similar.

Planning tools are usually part of the Enterprise Resource Planning tool that is used to manage operations such as hospitals.

Manufacturing facilities have very tight resource handling and they use quality management systems like six sigma to reduce the errors and ISO systems for quality management. These systems depend on the availability of huge databases for analysis. Everything is marked and recorded at each process stage using in most cases in house developed systems to preserve the know how.

With kind regards,
