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Has anyone ever translated a P6 schedule into Russian?

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Oliver Melling
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We have resource to do the translation but the planner working on the project says he cannot import the data directly from excel and has to do it by text editor line by line.

I’m guessing its a font/alphabet/punctuation issue.

If anyone has any experience of this i would like to hear from them.



Hannes de Bruyne
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Hello Oliver

I know this problem from Primavera P3.1, in P6 I did not try this yet. So for P3.1 I wrote this small macro in Excel:

Name of the worksheet must be Activity, Column 21 has the Cyrillic text, column 12 gets some Hieroglyphic signs which can be read by Primavera, first text in row 3.

Dim Zwischen As String, Test as sting, i as integer, iRow as integer

Sub TranslateRussian()
iRow = 3
Do While Not IsEmpty(Cells(iRow, 21))
Application.StatusBar = "© Hannes de Bruyne Transforming Row: " & iRow - 2
If Cells(iRow, 21) <> "" Then
Test = ""
For i = 1 To Len(Cells(iRow, 21))
Zwischen = AscW(Mid(Cells(iRow, 21), i, 1))
Test = Test & IIf(Zwischen < 256, ChrW(Zwischen), ChrW(Zwischen - 848))
Next i
Cells(iRow, 12) = Test
End If
iRow = iRow + 1